Bookmarks for Oliver Brein

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Schwimmbad Musik Club - Heidelberg
Stadt Heidelberg


Mannheim Internetional
Ludwigshafen Aktiv - das Internet Branchenverzeichnis für LU



Schauburg - Das Filmtheater in Karlsruhe
UfA Filmtheater in Karlsruhe
Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe | Spielzeit 1999/2000
zkm | online
SWO - JubezIndex - Das Kinoprogramm Karlsruhe
DAS FEST Startseite Deutsch
Filmpalast am ZKM - Karlsruhe



Stadtplan von Karlsruhe
Gastronomieführer Karlsruhe
Das World Wide Web in Karlsruhe: Die regionalen Links
ka-news Nachrichtenmagazin für Karlsruhe
Karlsruhe Stadtinformation - Neue Seiten
Privatbrauerei Hoepfner - Willkommen
SkateNite Karlsruhe
Vogelbräu -Homepage-
Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund / Nightlife Karlsruhe: Discos, Kneipen, Veranstaltungen, Bands, Party uvm.
Offizelle Website zum Karlsruher Stadtgeburtstag 2002


Stadtführer Trier
Stadt Trier


Dresden - Sächsische Landeshauptstadt | Geschichte - Wirtschaft - Bildung - Kultur - Sport - Wissenschaft - Touristik - Kommune - Stadt
Landeshauptstadt Dresden
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Hotel TULIP INN Dresden
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Hotel Burgk
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Aktuelle München-Informationen
munichx - münchen im internet

Kultur/Kino etc.

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Jazzclub Unterfahrt München Homepage
Deutsches Museum - Index
film, fernsehen und video


Tollwood - Das Kulturfestival
münchen veranstaltungen einleitung

Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund ()


Stadtplan der Landeshauptstadt München
Hausnummerngenauer Stadtplan München


Stadt Unterschleißheim
Münchner Erholungsflächenverein e.V.

Berliner Symphoniker e.V. ®


Stadt Frankfurt


Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Muenchen


Max-Planck-Institute for Physics - MPI Colloquium
Max-Planck-Institute for Physics - Theory Seminar
Informal Seminars
Max-Planck-Institute for Physics - Seminar List

MPI Homepage of Oliver Brein



Universität Karlsruhe: Hotlist - Krankenkasse
Service kostenfrei - Altersversorgung Rentenschätzung Rentenberechnung Berufsunfähigkeit Krankenversicherung Vermögensaufbau staatliche Förderung Immobilien
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FOCUS Online | Finanzen | Aktien & Börse
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DAX - Webcam
My Informer
HUK-COBURG Versicherungen Bausparen
Bundesschuldenverwaltung - Bundeswertpapiere Sammlermünzen
Volksfürsorge: Home
DWS - Die Wertpapier Spezialisten


Search in Archie
Infoseek - Deutschland
LookSmart - exploring World
Lycos Home Page



LEO German<->English Dictionary
Hypertext Webster Interface


Basic Hawaiian Dictionary
Mo'o and Lolo's Cyber Hawaiian Dictionary Online!

Collection of Web-Dictionaries

Tele-Info OnLine
SER Quantum GmbH
Suchergebnis |


Astronomy Picture of the Day

ehemals Aktuell

Mainzer Appell

Bookmarks/Homepages von anderen

TThHH - The Thomas Hahn Homepage
Sven Heinemeyer's Bookmarks
Jose Illana's Bookmarks
Federico von der Pahlen's Bookmarks
Gerrit Jahns Homapage
Jose Ignacio Illana



Nature - International weekly journal of science
Welcome to Science Online
Scientific American
Spektrum der Wissenschaft - Homepage
bild der wissenschaft online
AIP Physics Today Home Page
Nature Genome Information Centre

WEB.DE Seite 1 - Die Nachrichtenquelle im deutschen Internet


RON - Rheinpfalz Online - Homepage


SZonNet - Die Süddeutsche Zeitung im Internet.
Die Welt - Titelseite
taz, die tageszeitung
Electronic Telegraph
The New York Times on the Web
The Guardian


STERN Online
FOCUS Online | Homepage und Top-News

Yahoo! Schlagzeilen - Titelseite


Paperball Fernsehen
TVgenial - ihre aktuelle und kostenlose Fernsehzeitschrift aus dem Internet



TelDaFax - Ihre private Telefongesellschaft
Alpha Telecom Deutschland
Alpha-Omega Discount Long Distance, Prepaid Phone Cards, Calling Cards

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Dt. Telekommunikation Linkverzeichnis, Billiger Telefonieren, Telefonkosten senken, Gebühren sparen,
FOCUS Online | Technik & PC | Telekommunikation | Neue Telefontarife


Uni Karlsruhe: WWW Markt - Wohnungsmarkt
Homepage der Kleinanzeigenblätter SperrMüll, Kurz&Fündig und ALLES
Tips zur Wohnungssuche
UStA Uni Karlsruhe - Infopool
Transport Betz GmbH - Spedition und Autovermietung
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IMMOBILIENSCOUT 24 - Home - Wohnungen und Immobilien online
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Hausverwaltung in Deutschland Obenauer Immobilien - Vermietspezialist für München -

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eBay - Your Personal Trading Community
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SperrMüll, Kurz&Fündig, Alles - Private Kleinanzeigen kostenlos lesen und aufgeben
eBay Deutschland - Artikel : Klassik & Oper
VSV - HOMEPAGE (Update: 01-03-15)


Amerika 1999

AllCam: Exploratorium: Camera Two
California : Computers -> Internet -> WWW -> Webcams -> By Location -> USA -> California (The Underground Directory)
Half Dome Cam
CATAMARAN RESORT HOTEL - Live Mission Bay Webcam
LiveNet San Diego BayCam
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WebCam Central: Sedona Webcam - The Red Rock Observatory
Sybase, Inc. WebSights[tm]
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Oregon Live: Cams Central
Portland Oregon Visitors Association - POVA - Home

Griechenland 2001

Arcoudi Hotel

Anfrageseite DB Fahrplan The Low Fares Website


Infoseek: Map Search
TeleMap&Route - Die professionelle Online-Routenplanung
TeleMap - Die detaillierten Online-Stadtpläne
WEB.DE Routenplanung
Deutscher Stadtplandienst

Last Minute

Nix-wie-weg - Das virtuelle Reisebüro
L'TUR Last Minute Urlaub - Flüge, Pauschalreisen, Städtereisen
Topi last minute Reisen Infosystem - Herzlich Willkommen!
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Willkommen bei - das neue Reisen! - willkommen bei (Last Minute, Schnäppchen- und Pauschalreisen, Flüge, Hotels, Mietwagen, Lastminute)


Wetter- und Lawinenlage in den Alpen
Bergrettung Lawinen
frame meteo - tignes
frame meteo - tignes webcam
K & S - Home
Oberstdorfs Angebot im Internet:
Urlaub in Oberstdorf / Allgäu (Info für Oberstdorf Urlauber und Ferien Gäste)
SkiWelt_Wilder_Kaiser-Brixental / .com --- Der Wegweiser für Ihren Urlaub
Fahrplan-Auskunft BaWue
Airport, Flughafen-Guide rund um Flugplatz, Flugschule und Airports in Deutschland - Info über Flugschulen, Flugwerften, Aeroclubs, Flugzeugcharter und Jobs in der Luftfahrt
FXConverter - OANDA's 164 Currency Converter
Michelin - Reise-Verlag
Dery's Reise Oase
Erdkunde-Online - die Welt des Verstehens, das Verstehen der Welt
Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund ()
Die Bahn - Homepage


AWA - Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
Willkommen auf der Homepage des BFA

Computer & Networking


IP-Adreßverwaltung (alt)



billiger surfen

Cash Machine : Home
IANA | Root-Zone Whois Index by TLD Code
STRATO Medien AG - Willkommen


SuSE - The Linux Experts
Linux Online - The Linux Home Page



Willkommen bei lieske elektronik
PC Magazine Reviews - Color Scanners


Der Preisvergleich von Computer Hardware und der Preisvergleich von Computer Hardware Zubehör.
Alternate Computerversand GmbH
Willkommen bei K&M Elektronik
Insight Germany
Homepage of Oliver Brein - Europas führendes Versandhandelsunternehmen für Elektronik und Technik
Willkommen bei lieske elektronik
Mindfactory Hard und Softwarevertriebs AG Wilhelmshaven
Arlt-Communications GmbH
ARLT - Der Computer-Profi

lokale Haendler

Willkommen bei

Welcome to AMD
Motherboard HomeWorld -
Questions & Answers: Chaintech VIA Chipset Based Mainboards
VIA Technologies, Inc.
Chaintech Mainboards CPU Compatibility Overview Main Page
FIC Technical Support - VA-502 Support Page
Tom´s Hardware Guide Deutsch


Star Division Online
Netscape Netcenter - Download & Upgrade Page for browsers, servers, shareware
CERN Program Library
IrfanView - Freeware Graphic Viewer
Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview
CERN Program Library
freeware downloads: Video Tools - free software brought to you by, the largest download site for Windows Internet tools.
IrfanView - Freeware Graphic Viewer


Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 - Table of Contents
Netscape Extensions to HTML
Background Colors


DANTE e.V. - WWW-Intro

Perl Documentation

Scientific Computing

Computer Algebra

FORM homepage

CERN Computing

CERN -- Computing
CERN Program Library
CERN IT/ASD Group Documentation Server (documentation for PDFLIB and such)
CERNLIB latest version
CERNLIB libraries


Numerical Recipes in C The technical computing portal for all your scientific and engineering needs.


FORTRAN Programming Language Resources around the World
Programming Languages - Fortran
F77 standard,Table of Contents

Florian Helmberger's PGP omnium gatherum
c't - magazin für computertechnik - Computerwissen für alle

Paper/Book Search


Dissertation im Trift Verlag
Logos Verlag Berlin - Wissenschaftsverlag
Verlag, Dissertationen, Books on Demand
Der Andere Verlag - Dissertationen kostenneutral publizieren
Herbert Utz Verlag
Shaker Verlag GmbH
VG Wort
Rhombos-Verlag Bernhard Reiser: Umweltliteratur, Umweltschutz, Umweltdatenbank, Umweltrecht, Müllmagazin, Book on Demand, Abfall, Recycling, Umwelttechnik, Müllverbrennung


HEP documents
CERN SI Service, ordering CERN publications
UBKA - Recherche in Katalogen
UB Karlsruhe: Fachinformation Physik e-Print archive (original)
xxx e-print archive (augsburg mirror)
Spires Database Search (SLAC)
Spires Database Search (mirror site @ DESY)
Spires Database Search (old DESY site)

HEP experiments

Aleph publications server
The L3 Experiment at CERN
The OPAL Experiment

CERN Preprints
Springer LINK - Physics Online Library
Springer LINK: European Physical Journal C
Preprints at DESY

Books On-line, Listed by Title
The Internet Classics Archive: 441 searchable works of classical literature's Biggest Selection Books & More
BOL | Bücher | Willkommen - 1,5 Mio. Bücher - Mein Buchladen im Internet
Zweitausendeins Search for New, Out of Print and Used Books
WELTBILD - Das preisguenstige Medien-Komplettangebot fuer Familie, Freizeit und Karriere
Projekt Gutenberg - DE


BRAINTRACK - University-Index
Homepage XiaoXia Zhang and Guenter Doege
Universität Karlsruhe
Deutscher Bildungsserver: Bildungsinformation
MSU Home Page


Linksammlung Nahrungsmittelkonzerne

KRAFT Homepage
Kraft Foods Deutschland: alles über Kaffee, Schokolade, Lebensmittel und Karriere
Bestfoods Deutschland GmbH
Willkommen bei!
Dawn Farm Foods, cooked meat ingredients manufacturing group, Ireland: Company Profile
First Choice Ingredients, Inc. | Glendale, WI
Willkommen bei Wiesenhof

Linksammlung Tierverwertung

Bionet - Kompotec, Kompost mit Gütezeichen für Biofilter
Die Deutsche Fleischmehlindustrie

Eurotoques Deutschland
ECO-World by ALTOP
Flavor Systems International



The Internet Movie Database. A database of more than 180,000 titles
The Internet Movie Database (IMDb).
Herr der Ringe - Filmnews
Der Herr der Ringe
moviedata - Die ganze Welt des Kinos

CD Cover Central
Welcome to Gramophone - The world's best classical music magazine!
jpc - Musik à la carte...
RISM Home Page
operone - Die Welt der Oper
Bjork Lyrics
Der Ring des Nibelungen
Classical CD reviews Cumulative INDEX: MusicWeb (UK) The Classical CD review site Len Mullenger

Monty Python's Flying Circus
Scott Pakin's automatic complaint-letter generator
Zum Wohl. Die Pfalz. Willkommen

Computer Games

GameSpot - Giving gamers the best in PC game related information
PC Gameworld Online Magazine
Riven, The Sequel to Myst
Tomb Raider Home Page
!Retro Gamin Domain: free classic games for download


TTP/ITP-Cartoon page
TTP/ITP-Cartoon page
The Dilbert Zone
Calvin and Hobbes
virtueller Advent by @geldo
Insanity Test

Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index!



Lexikon zur antiken griechischen Mythologie


Norse Mythology
Die Edda - Simrock Übersetzung
Norse Mythology, Asatru, Heathen Art and Literature: Site Menu of Woden's Harrow

Sacred Texts: Legends and Sagas


The Armageddon Watch - REPENT! The End is (more or less) NEAR!
The Ramirez WebSite
The American Experience | Race for the Superbomb | Nuclear Blast Mapper
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TV total online
The Principia Discordia
Tuborg - Welcome
The Onion | America's Finest News Source
Sokal's Paper
Kenny Translator

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Beach Camera Waikiki Honolulu
B.C. Regional Info
Northwest SkyCam Network
Photographs, guides, essays, and resource information by Don Baccus
Tommy's List of Live Cam Worldwide #1
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The Web Voyeur -- Live Images
Virtual Artists' Rundle Street RoboCam
Tommy's List of Live Cam Worldwide / Western United States
Deutschland aus der Luft

Welcome to
FOCUS Online | Job & Karriere | Jobsuche | Einstellungstest
The Alternative German Dictionary
Wallace & Gromit, etc.(MPEG-Animations)
Scheiss Schattenparker weicheier und low fucker
Die Kippe in Karlsruhe
Herzlich Willkommen in der Villa Bluna!
SWO / Startseite
Dante's Divine Comedy ~ presented by Divine
Picasso[tm] | Tolkien Fan Art and Writing
Verbandsgemeinde Grünstadt-Land
Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft - Verein zu Tolkien in Deutschland buying info: The Lord of the Rings [Abridged BBC Dramatization] [ABRIDGED]
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Who is Tom Bombadil?
Science Toys


Universität Karlsruhe
Uni Karlsruhe: Rechenzentrum
Universitätsbibliothek Karlsruhe
Universität Karlsruhe: Info
Universität Karlsruhe: Hotlist
Essen für Studies

Fakultaet Physik

Graduiertenkolleg Elementarteilchenphysik an Beschleunigern
Vorträge und Seminare
Cutest Guy in the ITP '99
Institut für Theoretische Physik - Vorträge
Fakultät für Physik


ITP-Linux Homepage
RZ, Status Druck- und Plotausgabe


Theoretische Physik E WS 2000/2001
Übungsblätter Theoretische Teilchenphysik



ehemals aktuell

Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission
DESY-Stellungnahme zum Spiegel-Artikel vom 1.11.1999
Busza,Jaffe, Sandweiss,Wilczek 10/99;Review of Speculative "Disaster Scenarios" at RHIC
Dar,De Rújula,Heinz 10/99;Will relativistic heavy-ion colliders destroy our planet?
Cosmic Questions
measurement of direct CP-violation (press release announcing KTeVs result)
STScI- PR99-05: Vast Stellar Disks Set Stage for Planet Birth in New Hubble Images
Press Release: The Nobel Prize in Physics 1998
Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Mass
Hubble Takes First Image of a Possible Planet Around Another Star and Finds a Runaway World (98-19)
Mars Pathfinder - nasa,jpl
Galileo Home Page (JPL)
Mars Pathfinder Project Information
Mars Pathfinder - eso
National Space Society presents...Mars Madness!
hep-ph/0009130 ; Authors: Adrian Kent ; Title: Problems with empirical bounds for strangelet production at RHIC


Physical Review D online
Elsevier Science Home Page
UB Karlsruhe:Elektronische Zeitschriften
Physical Review Letters online
Springer LINK: European Physical Journal C


IAS - Stephen L. Adler's HomePage
john bahcall home page -Institute for Advanced Study
John Collins
Prof. Francis Halzen's Home Page
Gerard 't Hooft
Kerson Huang
O. Nachtmann
GJ's Home Page (van Oldenborgh)
A. Polyakov's Research Interests
Chris Quigg
John Schwarz
°° Warren Siegel @ ITP,SUNY °°
Davison E. Soper's page
Michael Spira
Prof. Julius Wess
IAS - Frank Wilczek's Home Page
Thorsten's Own Private Home Page
Professor James Stirling
Dr Nigel Glover
Professor Alan Martin
John Baez's Stuff
Giampiero's home page
Jose Ignacio Illana
Scott S. Willenbrock, UIUC Physics
Marc Sher
Shufang Su



The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: High-Energy Physics
The High Energy Physics Information Center

UB Karlsruhe: Fachinformation Physik
PhysicsWeb Home Page
TIPTOP: Welcome Page

Andere Institute

ausgewaehlte Theorie-Institute in Deutschland


Uni Heidelberg: Theoretische Physik
Mainz; ThEP Homepage
RWTH Aachen - Theoretische Physik E
Dortmund; Theoretical Physics III/IV Home Page
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik Muenchen-Freimann
LMU Muenchen, Lehrstuhl Fritzsch
Physikdepartment TUM · High Energy Physics
Uni-Karlsruhe: Institut für Theoretische Physik
Uni-Karlsruhe: Institut für Theoretische Teilchenphysik
DESY Zeuthen Theory Group
DESY Theory Group Welcome Page
Darmstadt; Particle Theory at Technical University Darmstadt
Lehrstuhl fuer Theoretische Physik II in Wuerzburg
Freiburg, Feldtheorie und Teilchenphänomenologie
Hamburg, II.Institut f. Theoretische Physik HH Welcome Page
University of Bielefeld, Theoretical Physics
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Muenchen


Bochum; TP II - Institut für theoretische Kern- und Teilchenphysik an der Ruhr-Universität-Bochum
Erlangen; Institute for Theoretical Physics III
HU Berlin; Institut für Physik
Particle Theory Group
Bonn; Institut für Theoretische Kernphysik

PhysNet - Worldwide Physics Department Network


PSI Particle Physics
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI Official Home Page)
CERN Theoretical Physics Division
ETH ITP - Group Prof. Kunszt
Uni Zuerich, Institute of Theoretical Physics
Wien; Institute for Theoretical Physics
Vienna SUSY Group - Homepage
Quantum Optics and Foundations of Physics (A. Zeilinger)


The Centre for Particle Theory
University of Cambridge(UK), HEP
Cavendish Laboratory HEP Group Home Page


The Institute for Advanced Study
Caltech Theoretical Particle Physics
UC-Davis Particle Theory Home Page
UC Davis Particle Theory Group
SLAC, Theoretical Physics
Brookhaven, BNL HET & NT PAGE
UW-Madison Phenomenology Institute
MSU High Energy Theory
Berkeley Lab Theoretical Physics Group Home Page
Theoretical High Energy Physics
C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, SUNY @ Stony Brook
Welcome to the Cornell Physics Department
Hawaii, Physics Department
Nuclear Theory at UW
Fermilab Theory Group Home Page
Johns Hopkins Particle Theory Group
UW Particle Theory Group


INFN Home Page
Theoretical Physics Milano

Special Research Centre for the Subatomic Structure of Matter - Adelaide University, Australia


Vorlesung: Einführung in die Geschichte und Philosophie der Physik

particle physics

Figures of Results

ALEPH Physics Figures

LEP EWWG Home Page

Tevatron Run II

Run II Workshop - Higgs Working Group
Physics at Run II -- Supersymmetry/Higgs
Physics at Run II -- Supersymmetry/Higgs


A Potpourri of Partons
Parton Distribution Plotter
CERN-TH 1999 LHC Workshop
Agenda for EWK group meeting on 22 January 1999
Agenda for EWK group meeting on 14 April 1999
Welcome to the Compact Muon Solenoid Outreach Activities
Welcome to ATLAS

Linear Collider

TESLA Home Page - New Version
Next Linear Collider Home Page
The Loop Verein

Derek's Visual QCD - The QCD Vacuum
High Energy Physics Program
SUSY Encyclopedia
The Durham/RAL HEP Databases - HEPDATA
SPIRES HEP - Reviews


Liberati etal 4/99;Sonoluminescence and the QED vacuum
Brevik,Marachevsky,Milton 10/98;Identity of the van der Waals Force and the Casimir Effect and the Irrelevance of these Phenomena to Sonoluminescence
Chodos, Groff 7/98;Modelling Sonoluminescence
The Acoustical Society of America
Liberati etal 5/98;Sonoluminescence as a QED vacuum effect
Hama,Kodama,Padula 12/96;HBT Interferometry for Sonoluminescence Bubble (X)
Nesterenko,Pirozhenko 3/98;Is the Casimir effect relevant to sonoluminescence?
Acoustical Society of America-Star in a Jar: A New Model for Single-Bubble Sonoluminescence
Sonoluminescence Overview and Future Applications


The Second Superstring Revolution
Superstrings! String Theory Home Page

Matters of Gravity
Levitron Central
Robert Geroch's Suggestions For Giving Talks
Probability Theory As Extended Logic
The Electronic Universe
physics/0102024 ; Authors: John C. Collins ; Title: On the Compatibility Between Physics and Intelligent Organisms
Astronomy Resources at STScI
Nobel e-Museum


Homepage Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Homepage Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
The CTEQ Meta-Page
European Physical Society (EPS) EurophysNet Welcome page
EPS European Physical Society
DPG Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
American Institute of Physics
The American Physical Society
Particle Data Group Welcome Page
Komitee für Elementarteilchenphysik (KET)


CERN Welcome
DESY Home Page
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Welcome Page
SLAC Home Page: Highlighted


LHC homepage
LIGO Laboratory Home Page
TESLA Home Page - New Version



Saalburg Summer School
Herbstschule Maria Laach
Workshop ``Quantenfeldtheorie und Elementarteilchenphysik''
Strings '99
GDRSUSY Meeting at Colmar
ATLAS Workshop on Energy Calibration, Ringberg 2002


snowmass 2001

Les Houches

les Houches Workshops 99/ Intro Page
Les Houches 20001: Physics at TeV Colliders


Physik: DPG Tagungen - Heidelberg 1999
DPG Tagung "Dresden 2000"
DPG Frühjahrstagung 2001 in Bonn
Physik: DPG Tagungen - Leipzig 2002

RADCOR 2002 - LOOPS and LEGS 2002
HCP 2002 Home
EPS 2003 Meeting in Aachen
icfa source




Carleton, Canada
Postdoctoral Positions 2001

Universitaet Karlsruhe, Klinkh.
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
Los Alamos, New Mexico
University of Thessaloniki, greece
Cornell University
UCLA, Los Angeles
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
University of North Carolina
Career Services Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral PRIZE Fellowships in<BR>THEORETICAL PHYSICS OR ASTROPHYSICS
Career Services Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Positions<BR>C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
Google Search: +particle +physics +postdoc +theory +2001
Science-Jobs-De: Physik Mathematik: POSTDOCTORAL POSITION (22761 Hamburg)
TIPTOP: Detailed description of the job
TIPTOP: Detailed description of the job
TIPTOP: Detailed description of the job
Career Services Job Opportunity: Postdoctoral Research Position<BR>Particle Theory Group

Stellenausschreibungen von Wissenschaftlern für die Wissenschaft
TIPTOP: Physics Jobs On-Line
where to look for jobs
DESY : Stellenangebote
AIP Career Services - Home Page
Jobs at CERN and Recruitment Programmes for Students, Fellows and Associates < job jobs employment work physics engineering >
Job Vacancies - HE848
DESY Fellowship Programme: Theoretical Particle Physics
Post-doc positions
Career Services: Academic Positions
Austrian/German/Swiss Theoretical Particle Physics Jobs Rumour Mill
Employment Links Elsewhere - Das ganze Spektrum der Physik
Other Job Sites for Physicists
Research Training Networks
Physics and Astronomy Job Hunting Resources

physics preprint collection

history of physics

physics/0010003 ; Authors: Norbert Straumann (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of ; Title: On Wolfgang Pauli's most important contributions to physics
quant-ph/0010008 ; Authors: Domenico Giulini and Norbert Straumann (Univ. of Zuerich, Switzerland) ; Title: ".. I didn't reflect much on what I was doing.." How Planck discovered
hep-ph/0012061 ; Authors: J. D. Jackson (LBNL) and L. B. Okun (ITEP) ; Title: Historical roots of gauge invariance
gr-qc/0012054 ; Authors: N. Straumann (Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Zurich, ; Title: On Pauli's invention of non-abelian Kaluza-Klein Theory in 1953
physics/0105046 ; Authors: R. Jackiw and A. Shimony ; Title: The Depth and Breadth of John Bell's Physics
hep-ph/0112031 ; ;
hep-ph/0112032 ; ;
physics/0111134 ; ;
physics/0112077 ; Authors: Frank Wilczek ; Title: Fermi and the Elucidation of Matter

quantum physics

Vaidman 10/98;Teleportation: Dream or Reality?
Lucha,Schoberl 11/98;Solving the Schroedinger equation for bound states with Mathematica 3.0
Christian 2/97;The Plight of `I Am' X
hep-th/0001006 ; Authors: Rudolf Haag ; Title: Questions in quantum physics: a personal view X
quant-ph/0101077 ; Authors: Max Tegmark, John Archibald Wheeler ; Title: 100 Years of the Quantum
hep-th/0104074 ; Authors: C. Wetterich ; Title: The origin of quantum mechanics and time from incomplete classical
hep-th/0104080 ; Author: Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht) ; Title: Determinism in Free Bosons
hep-th/0104219 ; Author: Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht) ; Title: How Does God Play Dice? (Pre-)Determinism at the Planck Scale
hep-th/0105105 ; ;
hep-ph/0106235 ; Authors: Z.K. Silagadze ; Title: Feynman's derivation of Maxwell equations and extra dimensions
quant-ph/0112095 ; Author: Stephen L. Adler ; Title: Why Decoherence has not Solved the Measurement Problem: A Response to P.

classical physics

Anandan 12/98;The Secret Life of the Dipole
Costella,McKellar,Rawlinson 4/97;Classical antiparticles X
physics/0001038 ; Authors: C. Sean Bohun (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of ; Title: Dirac--Maxwell Solitons
physics/0010042 ; Authors: R. Jackiw ; Title: A Particle Field Theorist's Lectures on Supersymmetric, Non-Abelian
hep-ph/0102244 ; Authors: John P. Costella, Bruce H. J. McKellar, Andrew A. Rawlinson and Gerard ; Title: The Thomas rotation
physics/0201053 ; ;
physics/0204034 ; Author: J. D. Jackson (Physics, UC Berkeley and LBNL) ; Title: From Lorenz to Coulomb and other explicit gauge transformations

thermodynamics/stat. physics/cond. matter

Josephson Effect


Quantum Hall Effect

cond-mat/9409036 ; ;

Volovik 2/98;Axial anomaly in 3He-A: Simulation of baryogenesis and generation of primordial magnetic field in Manchester and Helsinki
Fujikawa 2/98;Fluctuation-dissipation theorem and quantum tunneling with dissipation

applications to economy

Ilinski,Stepanenko 6/98;Electrodynamical model of quasi-efficient financial market
Ilinski 10/97;Physics of Finance
Liu etal 6/97;Correlations in Economic Time Series


variation of fine structure constant

Webb etal 3/98;A Search for Time Variation of the Fine Structure Constant
hep-ph/0108217 ; Authors: Gia Dvali and Matias Zaldarriaga ; Title: Changing alpha With Time: Implications For Fifth-Force-Type Experiments
hep-ph/0112059 ; ;
hep-ph/0112233 ; Authors: Paul Langacker, Gino Segre, Matthew J. Strassler ; Title: Implications of Gauge Unification for Time Variation of the Fine

Pioneer 10/11 acceleration

Mbelek,Lachièze-Rey 10/99;Long-range acceleration induced by a scalar field external to gravity and the indication from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo and Ulysses Data
Turyshev et al 3/99; The Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11
Anderson et al 8/98;Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Accelerattion X
Murphy 10/98; A Prosaic Explanation for the Anomalous Accelerations Seen in Distant Spacecraft
Katz 9/98; Comment on ``Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses Data, of an Apparent Anomalous, Weak, Long-Range Acceleration''
Anderson et al 6/99;Anderson et al. Reply (to the Comment by Katz on Pioneer 10/11)
SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result
gr-qc/0104064 ; Authors: John D. Anderson, Philip A. Laing, Eunice L. Lau, Anthony S. Liu, ; Title: Study of the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11
gr-qc/0106010 ; Authors: Louis K. Scheffer ; Title: Support for a prosaic explanation for the anomalous acceleration of
gr-qc/0106049 ; Authors: E.Schmutzer ; Title: Distribution of Dark Matter around a Central Body, Pioneer Effect and
gr-qc/0107022 ; Authors: John D. Anderson, Philip A. Laing, Eunice L. Lau, Michael Martin ; Title: Un-prosaic exposition of a prosaic explanation
gr-qc/0107092 ; Authors: Louis K. Scheffer ; Title: Conventional Forces can Explain the Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer
hep-ph/0108051 ; Authors: R. Foot and R. R. Volkas ; Title: A mirror world explanation for the Pioneer spacecraft anomalies?
gr-qc/0108054 ; Authors: Louis K. Scheffer ; Title: A Conventional Physics Explanation for the Anomalous Acceleration of
gr-qc/0107022 ; Authors: John D. Anderson, Philip A. Laing, Eunice L. Lau, Michael Martin ; Title: The Search for a Standard Explanation of the Pioneer Anomaly Title: Solution generating in scalar-tensor theories with a massless scalar
gr-qc/9910054 ; Author: Dag Østvang ; Title: An Explanation of the "Pioneer Effect" based on Quasi-Metric Relativity

Ellis et al 7/99;Astrophysical Probes of the Constancy of the Velocity of Light
McGaugh 12/98;How Galaxies Don't Form (rev)
Perlmutter etal 12/98;Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae
Turner 11/98;Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe
Dar,Shaviv 8/98;The Solar Neutrino Problem - An Update
Bahcall 8/98;Standard Solar Models
Zampieri etal 4/98;Supernova Fallback and the Emergence of a Black Hole
Zampieri,etal 1/98;The Emergence of a Black Hole in Supernova Explosions
Garnavich et al 6/98; Supernova Limits on the Cosmic Equation of State
hep-ph/0004188 ; Authors: Juan Garcia-Bellido ; Title: Astrophysics and Cosmology
hep-ph/0010173 ; Authors: Peter Arnold ; Title: Hot or dense matter
astro-ph/0009259 ; Authors: John N. Bahcall Authors: John N. Bahcall ; Title: How the sun shines Title: How the sun shines
astro-ph/9801013 ; ;
hep-ph/0201178 ; ;
astro-ph/9801013 ; ;
astro-ph/9803211 ; ;


phase transitions in the universe and inflation

Bergerhoff,Lindner,Weiser 9/99;Dynamics of Metastable Vacua in the Early Universe
Lazarides 2/98;Inflation (lect)
Barvinsky,Kamenshchik,Kiefer 5/99;Origin of the inflationary Universe (essay)
Schmidt 11/98;Phase Transitions in the Early Universe (Is there a Strongly First Order Electroweak Phase Transition?)
Gleiser 3/98;Phase Transitions in the Universe
Kofman,Linde,Starobinsky 5/94;REHEATING AFTER INFLATION
Turner 4/97;Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Inflation
hep-ph/0001098 ; Authors: Wilfried Buchmuller, Stefan Fredenhagen ; Title: Elements of Baryogenesis
gr-qc/0103097 ; Authors: R. Brout ; Title: Who is the Inflaton?
hep-th/0107176 ; Authors: Andrei Linde ; Title: Inflation and String Cosmology
gr-qc/0110012 ; Authors: Arvind Borde, Alan H. Guth, and Alexander Vilenkin ; Title: Inflation is not past-eternal
hep-th/0110226 ; ;
hep-ph/0111328 ; Author: G. Lazarides (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) ; Title: Inflationary Cosmology
hep-th/0206088 ; Authors: Lev Kofman, Andrei Linde, V. Mukhanov ; Title: Inflationary Theory and Alternative Cosmology
astro-ph/0208103 ; Authors: Robert H. Brandenberger ; Title: Principles, Progress and Problems in Inflationary Cosmology

Bahcall,Ostriker,Perlmutter,Steinhardt 6/99;The Cosmic Triangle: Revealing the State of the Universe
Kaloper,Linde 4/99;Cosmology vs. Holography
Veneziano 7/99;Entropy Bounds and String Cosmology
Kiefer 6/99;Conceptual issues in quantum cosmology (lect)
Olive 3/99;Big Bang Nucleosynthesis
Feoli,Rampone 12/98;Is the Strong Anthropic Principle Too Weak? X
Turner 11/98;Cosmology Solved? Quite Possibly! X
Huterer,Turner 8/98;Revealing Quintessence
Veneziano 2/98;A Simple/Short Introduction to Pre-Big-Bang Physics/Cosmology (lect)
Gott,Li 12/97;Can the Universe Create Itself?
Vachaspati 10/97;Formation of Topological Defects (lect)
astro-ph/0004075 ; Authors: Sean M. Carroll ; Title: The Cosmological Constant
astro-ph/0005265 ; Author: Steven Weinberg (Theory Group, University of Texas at Austin) ; Title: The Cosmological Constant Problems (Talk given at Dark Matter 2000,
gr-qc/0006046 ; Authors: P. Breitenlohner, P. Forg'acs, D. Maison ; Title: Static Cosmological Solutions of the Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs Equations
hep-th/0007206 ; Authors: Tom Banks, Michael Dine, Lubos Motl ; Title: On Anthropic Solutions of the Cosmological Constant Problem
astro-ph/0008314 ; Authors: Jochen Weller and Andreas Albrecht ; Title: Opportunities for future supernova studies of cosmic acceleration
astro-ph/0007247 ; Authors: Andreas Albrecht ; Title: Cosmic Inflation
hep-ph/0101015 ; Author: Hans Peter Nilles (Univ. Bonn) ; Title: The Cosmological Constant and the Brane World Scenario
hep-ph/0101134 ; Author: Joan Sola ; Title:'Steckbrief' Lambda
astro-ph/0101507 ; Authors: Alan H. Guth (MIT) ; Title: Eternal Inflation
gr-qc/0102017 ; Authors: George F R Ellis ; Title: Cosmology and Local Physics
astro-ph/0009368 ; Authors: Domenico Giulini, Norbert Straumann ; Title: The mystery of cosmological vacuum energy density and the accelerated expansion of the universe
gr-qc/0103023 ; Authors: V. L. Kalashnikov ; Title: Introduction to relativistic astrophysics and cosmology through Maple
hep-th/0104102 ; Authors: Richard Easther, Brian R. Greene, William H. Kinney and Gary Shiu ; Title: Inflation as a Probe of Short Distance Physics
astro-ph/0008314 ; Authors: Jochen Weller and Andreas Albrecht ; Title: Opportunities for future supernova studies of cosmic acceleration Title: Distributions of secondary muons at sea level from cosmic gamma rays
astro-ph/0103279 ; ; Title: Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background I: Form Factors and
astro-ph/0103281 ; ; Title: Fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background II: $C_ell$ at Large
hep-th/0201039 ; Authors: Nathan Seiberg ; Title: From Big Crunch To Big Bang - Is It Possible?
hep-ph/0201264 ; Authors: Andrew R Liddle ; Title: Recent developments in cosmology
astro-ph/0201075 ; Author: David Langlois (IAP) ; Title: How much will we learn from the CMB
astro-ph/0202076 ; Authors: Varun Sahni ; Title: The Cosmological Constant Problem and Quintessence
Physics Reports
hep-ph/0203252 ; Authors: U. Ellwanger ; Title: The Cosmological Constant
hep-th/0208013 ; ; Title: Disturbing Implications of a Cosmological Constant

gravity/general relativity

black holes

Luminet 1/98;Black Holes : A General Introduction
Visser 1/99;Acoustic black holes (lect)
Horowitz,Teukolsky 8/98;Black Holes X
Townsend 7/97;Black Holes (lect)
Gundlach 12/97;Critical phenomena in gravitational collapse (rev)
hep-th/0003004 ; Author: Gerard 't Hooft ; Title: The Holographic Principle
gr-qc/0003024 ; Authors: Homer G. Ellis ; Title: Darkholes: Nicer than blackholes - with a bright side, too (Does energy
gr-qc/0009019 ; Authors: Jacob D. Bekenstein ; Title: The Limits of Information
hep-ph/0009154 ; Authors: Fred C. Adams, Gordon L. Kane, Manasse Mbonye, and Malcolm J. Perry ; Title: Proton Decay, Black Holes, and Large Extra Dimensions
hep-ph/0106219 ; Authors: Steven B. Giddings and Scott Thomas ; Title: High Energy Colliders as Black Hole Factories: The End of Short Distance Physics
hep-ph/0106295 ; Authors: Savas Dimopoulos (Stanford University) and Greg Landsberg (Brown ; Title: Black Holes at the LHC
gr-qc/0107049 ; Authors: Jacob D. Bekenstein ; Title: Quantum Information and Quantum Black Holes
hep-ph/0109085 ; Authors: Sabine Hossenfelder, Stefan Hofmann, Marcus Bleicher and Horst ; Title: Quasi-Stable Black Holes at LHC
hep-ph/0110127 ; ;

quantum gravity

Amelino-Camelia 10/99;Are we at the dawn of quantum-gravity phenomenology? (lect)
Ellis, Mavromatos,Nanopoulos 5/99;Search for Quantum Gravity (Essay)
Isham,Butterfield 1/99;On the Emergence of Time in Quantum Gravity
Christian 10/98;Why the Quantum Must Yield to Gravity
Biró,Matinyan,Müller 8/99;Quantum Dynamics from Classical Dissipative Systems
't Hooft 3/99;Quantum Gravity as a Dissipative Deterministic System X
Loll 5/98;Discrete approaches to quantum gravity in four dimensions (rev)
Gibbons 3/98;Quantum Gravity/String/M-theory/ as we approach the 3rd Millennium X
Rovelli 3/98;Strings, loops and others: a critical survey of the present approaches to quantum gravity
Donoghue 12/97;Perturbative dynamics of quantum general relativity
Ahluwalia 11/97;Three Quantum Aspects of Gravity X
Amelino-Camelia 3/99;Gravity-wave interferometers as probes of a low-energy effective quantum gravity
Amelino-Camelia 6/97;Classicality, Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry, and Quantum-Gravity Deformed Uncertainty Relations (essay) X
Susskind 9/94;The World as a Hologram
't Hooft 10/93;Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity
hep-th/0003005 ; Author: Gerard 't Hooft ; Title: Determinism and Dissipation in Quantum Gravity
gr-qc/0006061 ; Authors: Carlo Rovelli ; Title: Notes for a brief history of quantum gravity
hep-th/0009073 ; Authors: Kirill A. Kazakov ; Title: On the correspondence between the classical and quantum gravity
gr-qc/0011003 ; Authors: Shahar Hod and Tsvi Piran ; Title: Cosmic Censorship: The Role of Quantum Gravity
gr-qc/0011089 ; Authors: Gary T. Horowitz ; Title: Quantum Gravity at the Turn of the Millennium
gr-qc/0108040 ; Authors: S. Carlip ; Title: Quantum Gravity: a Progress Report
hep-th/0204027 ; Authors: Leonard Susskind ; Title: Twenty Years of Debate with Stephen
hep-th/0203101 ; ;

Baessler et al 11/99;Improved Test of the Equivalence Principle for Gravitational Self-Energy
Consoli,Siringo 10/99;Newtonian gravity from Higgs condensates
Pullin 2/99; Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the APS Topical Group on Gravitation
't Hooft 5/98;TransPlanckian Particles and the Quantization of Time
Woodard 3/98;Particles As Bound States In Their Own Potentials
Adler 6/97; Vanishing Cosmol. Constant ,Scale Inv. Breaking (Essay)
Schutz 10/97;Low-Frequency Sources of Gravitational Waves: A Tutorial
Carroll 12/97;Lecture Notes on General Relativity (lect)
Jancewicz 7/98;Answer to Question 55: Are there pictorial examples that distinguish covariant and contravariant vectors?
Schmidt 9/97;Answer to question Nr. 55 (co- & contravariant components of a vector) X
Ciufolini,etal 4/97;Detection of Lense-Thirring Effect Due to Earth's Spin X
Krasnikov 11/95;Hyperfast Interstellar Travel in General Relativity X
gr-qc/9911095 ; Authors: Robert M. Wald and Andreas Zoupas ; Title: A General Definition of "Conserved Quantities" in General Relativity and
gr-qc/9912027 ; Authors: B. Mashhoon, F. Gronwald and H.I.M. Lichtenegger ; Title: Gravitomagnetism and the Clock Effect
gr-qc/0002027 ; Authors: Jorge Pullin (editor) ; Title: Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the APS Topical Group on
hep-ph/0002098 ; Authors: M. Consoli ; Title: Gravitational forces from Bose-Einstein condensation
gr-qc/9908081 ; Authors: L. Iorio (Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica dell' Universita` di ; Title: Earth tides and Lense-Thirring effect
gr-qc/0009060 ; Authors: Jorge Pullin (editor) ; Title: Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the APS Topical Group on
gr-qc/0009013 ; Authors: Miguel Alcubierre ; Title: The warp drive: hyper-fast travel within general relativity
gr-qc/0101030 ; Authors: Lorenzo Iorio and Erricos C. Pavlis ; Title: Tidal satellite perturbations and the Lense-Thirring effect
gr-qc/0103044 ; Author: John C. Baez ; Title: The Meaning of Einstein's Equation
hep-th/0007220 ; ;
hep-th/0106065 ; ;
gr-qc/0109034 ; Author: Jorge Pullin (editor) ; Title: Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the APS Topical Group on
hep-th/0110027 ; Authors: S. Deser ; Title: A Century of Gravity: 1901--2000 (plus some 2001)
hep-th/0110007 ; Authors: Marcus Spradlin, Andrew Strominger, Anastasia Volovich ; Title: Les Houches Lectures on De Sitter Space Title: Supersymmetric Bag Model as a Development of the Witten Superconducting
gr-qc/0201095 ; Authors: Christoph Schmid (ETH Zurich) ; Title: Cosmological Vorticity Perturbations, Gravitomagnetism, and Mach's
gr-qc/0202044 ; Author: Jorge Pullin (editor) ; Title: Matters of Gravity, the newsletter of the APS Topical Group on
gr-qc/0202063 ; Authors: J. Alberto Lobo ; Title: The detection of Gravitational Waves
hep-ph/0204106 ; Authors: M. Consoli ; Title: A connection between gravity and the Higgs field
gr-qc/0207037 ; Authors: Luc Blanchet ; Title: On the accuracy of the post-Newtonian approximation
gr-qc/0207065 ; ; Title: Gravitomagnetic effects




hep-ph/0110021 ; Authors: The ATLAS Collaboration and the CMS Collaboration, J.G. Branson, D. ; Title: High Transverse Momentum Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
hep-ph/0112161 ; Authors: Gian F. Giudice, Riccardo Rattazzi, James D. Wells ; Title: Transplanckian Collisions at the LHC and Beyond

Linear Collider



hep-ex/0108012 ; Authors: A. Badelek, C. Blochinger, J.Blumlein, E. Boos, R. Brinkmann, H. ; Title: TESLA Technical Design Report, Part VI, Chapter 1: The Photon Collider
hep-ph/0106314 ; ;
hep-ph/0106315 ; ;
hep-ex/0112001 ; ;
hep-ph/0112070 ; ;

hep-ex/0202007 ; Author: Wolfgang Lohmann ; Title: e^+e^- Physics at LEP and a Future Linear Collider

Muon Collider

High Energy Physics - Phenomenology authors/titles "new"
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology authors/titles "new"


hep-ph/0201227 ; Authors: U. Baur (Buffalo), R. Brock (MSU), J. Parsons (Columbia) ; Title: Physics at Future Hadron Colliders



Denner,Dittmaier,Roth,Wackeroth 4/99;Predictions for all processes e^+e^- -> 4 fermions + gamma
Willenbrock 5/99;Thinking About Top within the Standard Model
Stuart 2/99;An Improved Determination of the Fermi Coupling Constant, G_F
Kuehn 12/98;The Tau Lepton: Particle Physics in a Nutshell (rev)
Herrero 12/98;The Standard Model (lect)
Altarelli 11/98;The Standard Electroweak Theory and Beyond (lect)
Hewett 10/98;The Standard Model and Why We Believe It (lect)
hep-ph/9911437 ; Authors: Thorsten Ohl (TU Darmstadt) ; Title: Electroweak Gauge Bosons at Future Electron-Positron Colliders
hep-ph/9912227 ; Authors: Alberto Sirlin ; Title: Ten Years of Precision Electroweak Physics
hep-ex/0001023 ; Authors: S. Bethke ; Title: Standard Model Physics at LEP
hep-ph/0003033 ; Authors: M.Beneke, I.Efthymiopoulos, M.L.Mangano, J.Womersley (conveners), et ; Title: Top Quark Physics
hep-ph/0004103 ; Authors: Zoltan Kunszt (ETH,Zurich) ; Title: Bread and Butter Standard Model
hep-th/0005149 ; Authors: P.A. Grassi (New York U.), B.A. Kniehl (Hamburg U.), A. Sirlin (New ; Title: Width and Partial Widths of Unstable Particles

SM Physics @ LHC

hep-ph/0005025 ; Authors: S. Catani, M. Dittmar, D. Soper, W.J. Stirling, S. Tapprogge, S. ; Title: QCD
hep-ex/9606002 ; Author: Michael Dittmar ; Title: Neutral Current Interference in the TeV Region; the Experimental Sensitivity at the LHC X
hep-ph/0108274 ; Authors: U. Baur (1), O. Brein (2), W. Hollik (2), C. Schappacher (2), and D. ; Title: Electroweak Radiative Corrections to Neutral-Current Drell-Yan Processes
hep-ph/0109062 ; Authors: Stefan Dittmaier and Michael Kr"amer ; Title: Electroweak radiative corrections to W-boson production at hadron
hep-ph/0109078 ; Authors: Z. Bern, A. De Freitas, L. Dixon ; Title: Two-Loop Amplitudes for Gluon Fusion into Two Photons
hep-ph/0109269 ; Authors: Shouhua Zhu (ITP, Karlsruhe University) ; Title: Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to $bg to t W^-$ at CERN Large

QED/electroweak physics

CERN 95-03; Reports of the Working Group on Precision Calculations for the Z Resonance
D. Bardin, W. Hollik, G. Passarino (eds.) 9/97; Electroweak Working Group Report
hep-ph/0003275 ; Authors: S. Haywood, P.R. Hobson, W. Hollik, Z. Kunszt (conveners) ; Title: Electroweak Physics
hep-ph/0007091 ; Authors: A. Freitas, W. Hollik, W. Walter, G. Weiglein ; Title: Complete fermionic two-loop results for the M_W-M_Z interdependence
hep-ph/0008033 ; Authors: M. Roth ; Title: Precise Predictions for Four-Fermion Production in Electron-Positron
hep-ph/0109079 ; Authors: Z. Bern, A. De Freitas, L. Dixon, A. Ghinculov and H.L. Wong ; Title: QCD and QED Corrections to Light-by-Light Scattering
hep-ph/0110155 ; Authors: Ansgar Denner ; Title: Electroweak Radiative Corrections at High Energies
hep-ph/0208113 ; ; Title: Complete Two Loop Bosonic Contributions to the Muon Lifetime in the

QCD/parton model/hadrons


recent analyses

Martin,Roberts,Stirling,Thorne 3/98;Parton distributions: a new global analysis
Lai et al 3/99;Global QCD Analysis of Parton Structure of the Nucleon: CTEQ5 Parton Distributions X
Martin,Roberts,Stirling,Thorne 6/99;Update of MRST partons
hep-ph/0201195 ; Authors: J. Pumplin, D.R. Stump, J. Huston, H.L. Lai, P. Nadolsky, and W.K. ; Title: New Generation of Parton Distributions with Uncertainties from Global
hep-ph/0206114 ; Authors: Wu-Ki Tung ; Title: New Generation of Parton Distributions with Uncertainties from Global

Lampe,Reya 10/98;Spin Physics and Polarized Structure Functions (rev)
Boros,Londergan,Thomas 10/98; Evidence for Charge Symmetry Violation in Parton Distributions
Soper 9/96;Parton Distribution Functions
Huston,etal 1/98;Study of the Uncertainty of the Gluon Distribution
Kumano 2/97;Flavor Asymmetry of Antiquark Distributions in the Nucleon (X)
hep-ph/9803496 ; Authors: A. Edin, G. Ingelman ; Title: A model for the parton distributions in hadrons
hep-ph/9912536 ; Authors: A. Edin (DESY, Hamburg) and G. Ingelman (DESY, Hamburg and Uppsala ; Title: A model for parton distributions in hadrons
hep-ph/0006300 ; Authors: L. de Barbaro, E.L. Berger, R. Brock, D. Casey, R. Demina, W.T. Giele, ; Title: Parton Distributions Working Group
hep-ph/0105207 ; ;
hep-ph/0111358 ; Authors: Z. Sullivan, P.M. Nadolsky ; Title: Heavy-quark parton distribution functions and their uncertainties
hep-ph/0112307 ; Authors: Fredrick Olness ; Title: PDF's: What Do We Need To Know?

b physics

hep-ph/0202092 ; Author: Gerhard Buchalla ; Title: Heavy Quark Theory

Wilczek 7/99;What QCD Tells Us About Nature -- and Why We Should Listen
Sterman 5/99;Recent Progress in QCD
McGaughey,Moss,Peng 5/99;High-Energy Hadron-Induced Dilepton Production from Nucleons and Nuclei
Brambilla,Vairo 4/99;Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum (lect)
't Hooft 3/99;The Physics of Instantons in the pseudoscalar and vector meson mixing
't Hooft 12/98;Topological Aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics (lect)
Jaffe 11/98;One Theorist's Perspective on Four Eras of Electron-Proton Scattering
Pennington 11/98;Glueballs : the Naked Truth
Yan 10/98; Naive Drell-Yan and Its Successor X
Bochicchio 10/98; Some comments on S-duality in four dimensional QCD (X)
Maxwell 9/98;Complete renormalization group improvement of QCD perturbation theory
Levin 8/98;An introduction to Pomerons
't Hooft 8/98;When was asymptotic Freedom discovered, or The rehabilitation of Quantum Field Theory X
Gribov 2/99;The theory of quark confinement
Gribov 7/98;QCD at large and short distances (annotated version)
Collins 6/98;Hard-scattering factorization with heavy quarks: A general treatment
Sterman 6/98;Resummation, Power Corrections and Prediction in Perturbative QCD
Shifman 2/98;Snapshots of Hadrons, or ... (lect)
de Rafael 2/98;An Introduction to Sum Rules in QCD (lect)
Kühn,Rodrigo 2/98;Charge asymmetry in hadroproduction of heavy quarks
Soper 2/97;Basics of QCD Perturbation Theory (lect) (X)
Dokshitzer 12/98;Perturbative QCD theory (includes our knowledge of alpha_s)
Dokshitzer 3/98;Hard QCD
Dokshitzer 1/98;QCD, Theoretical issues X
Aglietti 5/97;Introduction to Perturbative QCD (lect)
Fucito 10/97;A Non-Technical Introduction to Confinement and N=2 Globally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Gauge Theories
Wilczek,Rajagopal,Alford 2/98;Color Superconductivity and Signs of its Formation
Wilczek 9/96;Asymptotic Freedom
Gribov 3/94;Orsay lectures on confinement (I) (lect)
Gribov 4/94;Orsay lectures on confinement (II) (lect)
Gribov 5/99;Orsay Lectures on Confinement (III) (lect)
hep-ph/9911449 ; Author: Barry R. Holstein ; Title: A Brief Introduction to Chiral Perturbation Theory
hep-ph/0001118 ; Authors: A. Pich ; Title: Aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics
hep-ph/0003183 ; Author: Frank Wilczek (Institute for Advanced Study) ; Title: QCD In Extreme Conditions
hep-ph/0004186 ; Authors: Ian Hinchliffe and Aneesh V. Manohar ; Title: The QCD Coupling Constant
hep-ph/9302295 ; Authors: M. Jezabek, J.H. Kühn ; Title: The Top Width - Theoretical update
hep-ex/0003027 ; Authors: Edward H. Thorndike ; Title: Bottom Quark Physics - Past, Present, Future
hep-ph/0103033 ; Authors: S. Willenbrock (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) ; Title: Precision Top-Quark Physics
hep-ph/9310233 ; ;
hep-ph/9705393 ; ;
hep-ph/0110378 ; Authors: P.M. Nadolsky, Z. Sullivan ; Title: PDF uncertainties in WH production at Tevatron
hep-ex/0110084 ; Authors: Marek Tasevsky (CERN, Switzerland) ; Title: Differences between Quark and Gluon jets as seen at LEP
hep-ph/9703284 ; ;
hep-ph/0204179 ; Authors: Guido Altarelli ; Title: A QCD Primer


Froggatt,Nielsen 6/99;Why do we have parity violation?
Bernreuther 8/98;CP violation (lect)
Peccei 7/98;Reflections on the Strong CP Problem
Bertolini,Eeg, Fabbrichesi 2/98;Estimating epsilon'/epsilon. A Review (rev)
Bjorken 6/97;CP and B Physics: Progress and Prospects
Bigi 12/97;CP Violation -- An Essential Mystery in Nature's Grand Design (lect)
He 10/97;CP Violation (rev)
Pich 9/97;Weak Decays, Quark Mixing and CP Violation: Theory Overview X
Kayser 2/97;CP Violation, Mixing, and Quantum Mechanics (X)
hep-ph/0005258 ; Author: Jonathan L. Rosner ; Title: CP Violation - A Brief Review
hep-ph/0011400 ; Authors: Lincoln Wolfenstein ; Title: CP Violation
hep-ph/0011376 ; Author: Michael Dine ; Title: TASI Lectures on The Strong CP Problem
hep-ph/0109090 ; Authors: Yosef Nir ; Title: CP Violation - A New Era
hep-th/0110135 ; ;
hep-ph/0201137 ; Authors: M. Beneke (RWTH Aachen) ; Title: CP Violation
hep-ph/0207108 ; Author: Robert Fleischer ; Title: CP Violation in the B System and Relations to $Ktopinubar{nu}$
hep-ph/0208080 ; Authors: Yosef Nir ; Title: CP Violation: The CKM Matrix and New Physics

mass,flavor problem

Ramond 8/98;A Model for Fermion Mass Hierarchies and Mixings
Fritzsch 6/97;Flavor Mixing and the Masses of Quarks and Leptons
Fritzsch 3/97;The Symmetry and the Problem of Mass Generation X
Fritzsch 5/96;The Problem of Mass and Mass Generation
Peccei 12/97;The Mystery of Flavor (lect)
van Holten 9/97;Stability and mass of point particles
Adler 11/97;A Model for the Quark Mass and Flavor Mixing Matrices Based on Discrete Chiral Symmetry as the Origin of Families
hep-ph/0001072 ; Authors: G. Dvali, M. Shifman ; Title: Families as Neighbors in Extra Dimension


Quigg 8/99;Questions of Identity
Ellis 7/99;Neutrino Physics: Theory and Phenomenology
Peccei 6/99;Neutrino Physics (lect)
Haxton,Holstein 5/99;Neutrino Physics
Lipkin 7/99;Neutrino oscillations as a "which-path" experiment
Lipkin 1/99;Quantum Mechanics of Neutrino Oscillations - Hand Waving for Pedestrians
Langacker 11/98;Implications of Solar and Atmospheric Neutrinos
Ramond 9/98;Neutrinos: A Glimpse Beyond the Standard Model
Georgi,Glashow 8/98;Neutrinos on Earth and in the Heavens
Pakvasa 4/98;Neutrinos (lect)
hep-ph/0001007 ; Author: P. Ramond (Physics Department, University of Florida) ; Title: Introduction to Neutrinos
hep-ph/0006332 ; Authors: Edward Witten ; Title: Lepton Number And Neutrino Masses
hep-ph/0008334 ; Authors: John Ellis (CERN) ; Title: Summary of Neutrino 2000
hep-ph/0109110 ; Authors: K.-P.O. Diener (Karlsruhe U.), B.A. Kniehl (Hamburg U.) ; Title: On-Mass-Shell Renormalization of Fermion Mixing Matrices
hep-ph/0202058 ; Authors: M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and Y. Nir ; Title: Developments in Neutrino Physics
hep-ph/0203247 ; Authors: S.M.Bilenky ; Title: The Three-Neutrino Mixing and Oscillations


Weinberg E.J. 8/99;Massive and Massless Monopoles and Duality (lect)
Klinkhamer 5/98;Z-string global gauge anomaly and Lorentz non-invariance
Klinkhamer 12/96;Electroweak defects (rev) X


Neuberger 8/98;Chirality on the Lattice
Close 2/98;Issues for the Lattice in Hadron Spectroscopy (rev)
hep-ph/9911400 ; Authors: Hartmut Wittig ; Title: Lattice Gauge Theory
hep-lat/0012005 ; Authors: G. M"unster (1) and M. Walzl (2) ((1) University of Muenster, (2) ; Title: Lattice Gauge Theory - A short Primer
hep-th/0102028 ; Authors: Martin L"uscher ; Title: Chiral gauge theories revisited
hep-lat/0207003 ; Author: Martin L"uscher, Peter Weisz ; Title: Quark confinement and the bosonic string

hep-ph/0009136 ; Authors: Hilmar Forkel ; Title: A Primer on Instantons in QCD
hep-th/0010225 ; Authors: Gerard 't Hooft, Falk Bruckmann ; Title: Monopoles, Instantons and Confinement
hep-th/0110237 ; Authors: F.R. Klinkhamer, Y.J. Lee ; Title: New analytic results for electroweak baryon number violation


Higgs + Jet(s)

SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result
hep-ph/0108030 ; Authors: V. Del Duca, W. Kilgore, C. Oleari, C. Schmidt and D. Zeppenfeld ; Title: Gluon-fusion contributions to Higgs plus two-jet production
hep-ph/9805341 ; ;
hep-ph/9712335 ; ;
hep-ph/9711436 ; ;
SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result
SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result
hep-ph/9412276 ; ;
hep-ph/0111164 ; Authors: S. Catani, D. de Florian, M. Grazzini ; Title: Direct Higgs production and jet veto at the Tevatron and the LHC in NNLO
hep-ph/0204093 ; Authors: J. Campbell, R.K. Ellis, F. Maltoni, S. Willenbrock ; Title: Higgs-Boson Production in Association with a Single Bottom Quark


hep-ph/9303309 ; ;


Miller,Moretti 6/99;Can the trilinear Higgs self-coupling be measured at future linear colliders?
Quigg 5/99;Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs Sector (lect)
Djouadi,Kilian,Muhlleitner,Zerwas 3/99;Testing Higgs Self-couplings at e^+e^- Linear Colliders
Dawson 1/99;Introduction to Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (lect)
Richard 10/98;Search for Higgs Bosons in e^+e^- Colliders
Spira 10/98;Higgs Boson Production and Decay at the Tevatron X
Zerwas,Spira 3/98;Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Higgs Physics (lect)
Chivukula 3/98;Models of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (lect)
Haber,etal 3/97;Weakly-Coupled Higgs Bosons and Precision Electroweak Physics
Haber 3/97;Future Directions in Higgs Phenomenology X
Gunion,Poggioli,Van Kooten 3/97;Higgs Boson Discovery and Properties
Stange,Marciano,Willenbrock 9/93;Higgs Bosons at the Fermilab Tevatron X
hep-ph/0010312 ; Authors: G. L. Kane, S. F. King and Lian-Tao Wang ; Title: What Will We Learn If a Higgs Boson is Found?
hep-ph/0101342 ; Authors: Michael E. Peskin and James D. Wells ; Title: How Can a Heavy Higgs Boson be Consistent with the Precision Electroweak ; P
hep-ph/0102058 ; Authors: Yasuhiro Okada (KEK) ; Title: Higgs and SUSY Higgs bosons at future linear collider
hep-ph/0104161 ; Authors: C. D. Froggatt, H. B. Nielsen, Y. Takanishi ; Title: Standard Model Higgs Boson Mass from Borderline Metastability of the
hep-ph/0110362 ; Authors: John F. Gunion ; Title: Phenomenology of Generalized Higgs Boson Scenarios
hep-ph/0112130 ; Authors: Fabio Zwirner (Univ. of Rome La Sapienza and INFN) ; Title: The Higgs puzzle: experiment and theory
hep-ph/0203229 ; Authors: Marcela Carena, David W. Gerdes, Howard E. Haber, Andre S. Turcot and ; Title: Executive Summary of the Snowmass 2001 Working Group (P1) ``Electroweak
hep-ph/0207313 ; ; Title: Diffractive Higgs Production: Myths and Reality

search strategies/ measurement proposals

e+e- Linear Collider

Dawson,Reina 3/99;Measuring the Higgs Boson Yukawa Couplings at an NLC
Djouadi 10/99;Higgs Particles at Linear e+e- Colliders: theoretical issues X
hep-ph/9912223 ; Authors: M. Carena, S. Heinemeyer, C.E.M. Wagner and G. Weiglein ; Title: Suggestions for Improved Benchmark Scenarios for Higgs-Boson Searches at
hep-ph/0001169 ; Authors: A. Djouadi, W. Kilian, M. Muhlleitner and P.M. Zerwas ; Title: The Reconstruction of Trilinear Higgs Couplings
hep-ph/0101135 ; Authors: D. Rainwater ; Title: Precision Higgs Physics at a Future Linear Collider
hep-ph/0101262 ; Authors: M.M. Muhlleitner ; Title: Testing Higgs Self-Couplings at High-Energy Linear Colliders
hep-ph/9912223 ; Authors: M. Carena, S. Heinemeyer, C.E.M. Wagner, G. Weiglein ; Title: Suggestions for Improved Benchmark Scenarios for Higgs-Boson Searches at LEP2
hep-ph/0106116 ; Authors: Marcela Carena, Howard E. Haber, Heather E. Logan, Stephen Mrenna; Title: Distinguishing a MSSM Higgs Boson from the SM Higgs Boson at a Linear Collider
hep-ph/0201249 ; Authors: V. Drollinger, T. Muller, D. Denegri ; Title: Prospects for Higgs Boson Searches in the Channel WH -> lnbb
hep-ph/0202162 ; Authors: Debajyoti Choudhury, Tim M.P. Tait and C.E.M. Wagner ; Title: Probing Heavy Higgs Boson Models with a TeV Linear Collider
hep-ph/0203206 ; Authors: J. Conway, K. Desch, J.F. Gunion, S. Mrenna, D. Zeppenfeld, for the ; Title: The Precision of Higgs Boson Measurements and Their Implications

gamma gamma Collider

hep-ph/0110320 ; Authors: David M. Asner, Jeffrey B. Gronberg, and John F. Gunion ; Title: Detecting and Studying Higgs Bosons in Two-Photon Collisions at a Linear
hep-ex/0111056 ; Authors: D. Asner, et al ; Title: Higgs Physics with a gamma gamma Collider Based on CLIC 1
hep-ph/9304290 ; ;

Muon Collider

hep-ph/0110390 ; Authors: M. S. Berger ; Title: Higgs Bosons at Muon Colliders


Han,Zhang 7/98;Extending the Higgs Boson Reach at Upgraded Tevatron
Han,Turcot,Zhang 12/98; Exploiting $h \to W^*W^*$ Decays at the Upgraded Fermilab Tevatron
Hobbs 3/99;Higgs Prospects at the Upgraded Tevatron: Fermilab Study Results
hep-ph/0010338 ; Authors: M. Carena, J. S. Conway, H. E. Haber, J. D. Hobbs; Title: Report of the Higgs Working Group of the Tevatron Run 2 SUSY/Higgs Workshop
hep-ph/0204210 ; Authors: Alexander Belyaev, Tao Han and Rogerio Rosenfeld ; Title: gg-->H-->tau tau at the Upgraded Fermilab Tevatron


Spira,Djouadi,Graudenz,Zerwas 4/95;HIGGS BOSON PRODUCTION AT THE LHC
hep-ph/0002036 ; Authors: D.Zeppenfeld, R.Kinnunen, A.Nikitenko, E.Richter-Was ; Title: Measuring Higgs boson couplings at the LHC
hep-ph/0002258 ; Authors: A. Djouadi, R. Kinnunen, E. Richter-Was, H.U. Martyn (conveners), K.A. ; Title: The Higgs Working Group: Summary Report
hep-ex/0105017 ; Authors: V. Drollinger ; Title: Finding H0 -> bbbar at the LHC
hep-ph/0101311 ; Authors: T. Pierzchala, E. Richter-Was, Z. Was and M. Worek ; Title: Spin effects in tau-lepton pair production at LHC
hep-ph/0105061 ; ;
hep-ph/0111226 ; Authors: S. Dawson ; Title: Higgs Boson Production Rates in Hadronic Collisions
hep-ph/0111312 ; Authors: V. Drollinger, T. Muller and D. Denegri ; Title: Searching for Higgs Bosons in Association with Top Quark Pairs in the H
hep-ph/0112045 ; ;
hep-ph/0112046 ; ;
hep-ph/9603433 ; ;
hep-ph/9811492 ; ;
hep-ph/0203056 ; Authors: D. Cavalli, A. Djouadi, K. Jakobs, A. Nikitenko, M. Spira, C.E.M. ; Title: The Higgs Working Group: Summary Report (2001)
hep-ph/0203123 ; Authors: Dieter Zeppenfeld ; Title: Higgs couplings at the LHC
hep-ph/0203187 ; Authors: David Rainwater, Michael Spira, Dieter Zeppenfeld ; Title: Higgs Boson Production at Hadron Colliders: Signal and Background
hep-ph/0112045 ; ;
hep-ph/0206024 ; Authors: Uli Baur (SUNY-Buffalo), Tilman Plehn (UW-Madison) and David Rainwater ; Title: Measuring the Higgs Boson Self Coupling at the LHC and Finite Top Mass
hep-ph/0208096 ; ; Title: Production of a pseudo-scalar Higgs boson at hadron colliders at
hep-ph/0208115 ; Authors: Charalampos Anastasiou and Kirill Melnikov ; Title: Pseudoscalar Higgs boson production at hadron colliders in NNLO QCD

Krasnikov,Matveev 9/99;Search for Standard Higgs Boson at Supercolliders (rev)
hep-ph/0106154 ; Authors: John F. Gunion ; Title: Hunting the Higgs Boson(s)
Sopczak 11/93;Charged Higgs Boson Discovery Potential at..
Sopczak 10/97;Charged Higgs Boson Detector Aspects

decay/partial widths

Coarasa,Garcia,Guasch,Jimenez,Sola 7/96;Quantum effects on $t\to H^{+} b$ in the MSSM: a window to ``virtual'' supersymmetry?
Coarasa et al 8/98;Top quark decay into charged Higgs boson in a general Two-Higgs-Doublet model: implications for the TEVATRON data
Djouadi 12/97;Decays of the Higgs Bosons (rev)
Djouadi 6/94;Higgs particles at future hadron and electron-positron colliders (rev) X
hep-ph/0003022 ; Authors: S. Heinemeyer, W. Hollik, G. Weiglein ; Title: Decay widths of the neutral CP-even MSSM Higgs bosons in the
hep-ph/0003311 ; Authors: Y. N. Srivastava, A. Widom ; Title: Gravitational Decay Modes of the Standard Model Higgs Particle
hep-ph/0004231 ; Authors: A. Widom, Y.N. Srivastava ; Title: Higgs Decay into Gravitons: Trees and Loops
hep-ph/9503443 ; Authors: A. Dabelstein ; Title: Fermionic decays of neutral MSSM Higgs bosons at the one-loop level
hep-ph/9511342 ; Authors: A. Djouadi, J. Kalinowski, P.M. Zerwas ; Title: Two- and Three-Body Decay Modes of SUSY Higgs Particles
hep-ph/0106027; Authors: Jaume Guasch, Wolfgang Hollik, Siannah Penaranda; Title: Distinguishing Higgs models in H -> b b-bar / H -> tau^+ tau^-


parameter restrictions

hep-ph/9811234 ; Authors: Shuquan Nie, Marc Sher ; Title: Vacuum Stability Bounds in the Two-Higgs Doublet Model
hep-ph/9303263 ; Authors: S. Kanemura, T. Kubota, E. Takasugi ; Title: Lee-Quigg-Thacker Bounds for Higgs Boson Masses in a Two-Doublet Model
hep-ex/0007040 ; ;
hep-ph/9802391 ; ;

decay/partial widths

hep-ph/9604381 ; Authors: S. Kanemura, T. Kubota, H.-A. Tohyama ; Title: Generalized screening theorem for Higgs decay processes in the two-doublet model
hep-ph/9410275 ; Authors: Shinya Kanemura, Takahiro Kubota ; Title: Radiative Corrections to the Higgs Boson Decay into a Longitudinal $W$-Boson Pair in a Two-Doublet Model

Akeroyd,Arhrib,Peyranère 7/99;CP-odd Higgs boson production in association with Neutral gauge boson in High-Energy $e^+e^-$ Collisions
Kanemura 10/97;loop induced H+W-Z Vertex in 2hdm
Haber 5/95;Challenges For Non-Minimal Higgs Searches at Future Colliders
Plehn,Spira,Zerwas 3/96;Pair Production of Neutral Higgs Particles in Gluon--Gluon Collisions X
Yi,etal 3/97; Pair production of charged Higgs bosons in gluon-gluon collisions X
hep-ph/0101355 ; Author: Ernest Ma (UC Riverside) ; Title: Canceling Quadratic Divergences in a Class of Two-Higgs-Doublet Models
hep-ph/0201117 ; Authors: I.F. Ginzburg, M. Krawczyk, P. Osland, M.V. Vychugin ; Title: Two Higgs Doublet Model, Standard Model-like Scenario and Distinguishing
hep-ph/0202087 ; Authors: Tom Farris (U.C. Davis), John F. Gunion (U.C. Davis), Heather E. Logan ; Title: Higgs Sectors in which the only light Higgs boson is CP-odd and Linear
hep-ph/0009271 ; ;
hep-ph/0207010 ; ;


van der Bij 8/99;Large rescaling of the scalar condensate, towards a Higgs-gravity connection ?
Kunszt 4/97;Theoretical Aspects of Higgs Hunting at LHC
Dawson 3/97;The Standard Model Intermediate Mass Higgs Boson
hep-ph/9911501 ; Author: S. Moretti (RAL) ; Title: Higgs radiation off top-antitop pairs at future Linear Colliders: a
hep-ph/0005151 ; Authors: D. Zeppenfeld ; Title: Measurement of Higgs Properties at the LHC
hep-ph/0102227 ; Authors: S. Catani, D. de Florian, M. Grazzini ; Title: Higgs production in hadron collisions: soft and virtual QCD corrections
hep-ph/0007289 ; Author: Robert V. Harlander ; Title: Virtual corrections to gg -> H to two loops in the heavy top limit
hep-ph/0102241 ; Authors: Robert V. Harlander, William B. Kilgore ; Title: Soft and virtual corrections to pp -> H + X at NNLO
hep-ph/0106293 ; Authors: F. Maltoni, K. Paul, T. Stelzer, S. Willenbrock ; Title: Associated production of Higgs and single top at hadron colliders
hep-ph/0109066 ; Authors: L.Reina (Florida State University), S.Dawson (Brookhaven National ; Title: QCD corrections to Associated t-tbar-H production at the Tevatron
hep-ph/0111314 ; Authors: U. Baur, R. Clare, J. Erler, S. Heinemeyer, D. Wackeroth, G. Weiglein, ; Title: Theoretical and Experimental Status of the Indirect Higgs Boson Mass
hep-ph/0112023 ; ;
hep-ph/0201054 ; ;
hep-ph/0201114 ; Authors: V. Ravindran, J. Smith, W.L. van Neerven ; Title: Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to differential distributions of
hep-ph/0201206 ; Authors: Robert V. Harlander, William B. Kilgore ; Title: Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order Higgs Production at Hadron Colliders
hep-ph/0202001 ; Authors: U. Baur, R. Clare, A. Denner, J.L. Diaz Cruz, S. Dittmaier, J. Erler, ; Title: Present and Future Electroweak Precision Measurements and the Indirect
hep-ph/0206052 ; Authors: S. Catani, D. de Florian, M. Grazzini ; Title: Direct Higgs production and jet veto at hadron colliders
hep-ph/0207004 ; ;

susy models

higgs masses

Haber 1/99;How Well Can We Predict the Mass of the Higgs Boson of the Minimal Supersymmetric Model?
Haber,Espinosa,Casas 1/98;The Higgs mass in the MSSM infrared fixed point scenario
Dabelstein 9/94;The one-loop renormalization of the MSSM Higgs sector and its application to the neutral scalar Higgs masses
hep-ph/0001002 ; Authors: M. Carena, H.E. Haber, S. Heinemeyer, W. Hollik, C.E.M. Wagner and G...; Title: Reconciling the Two-Loop Diagrammatic and Effective Field Theory
hep-ph/0108059 ; Authors: S. Heinemeyer ; Title: The Higgs Boson Sector of the Complex MSSM in the Feynman-diagrammatic

Belyaev,Drees,Eboli,Mizukoshi,Novaes 10/99;Supersymmetric Higgs pair discovery prospects at hadron colliders
Belyaev,Drees,Mizukoshi 9/99;Supersymmetric Higgs Boson Pair Production: Discovery Prospects at Hadron Colliders
Demir 7/99; Higgs pair production in the MSSM with explicit CP violation
Borzumati,Kneur,Polonsky 5/99;Higgs- and Slepton-Strahlung at Hadron Colliders
Belyaev,Drees,Eboli,Mizukoshi,Novaes 5/99;Supersymmetric Higgs Pair Production at Hadron Colliders
Dedes,Moretti 4/99;Higgs production in association with squark pairs in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model at future hadron colliders
Djouadi,Kilian,Muhlleitner,Zerwas 4/99;Production of Neutral Higgs-Boson Pairs at LHC
Djouadi 3/99;Impact of the SUSY Decays on the Search for the MSSM Higgs bosons at the LHC
Plehn,Rainwater,Zeppenfeld 2/99;Probing the MSSM Higgs Sector via Weak Boson Fusion at the LHC
Osland,Pandita 2/99;Measuring Trilinear Higgs Couplings in the MSSM
Osland,Pandita 6/98;Measuring the Trilinear Couplings of MSSM Neutral Higgs Bosons at High-Energy e^+e^- Colliders
Djouadi 1/99;Top Squark Effects on Higgs Boson Production and Decays at the LHC
Dawson,Reina 12/98;Associated Higgs Production in the MSSM
Huang,Zhu 12/98;Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons Discovery Potential at Hadron Colliders through $bg$ channel
Cao,Li,Zhu 10/98;Leading Electroweak Corrections to the Neutral Higgs Boson Production at the Fermilab Tevatron
Dawson,Djouadi,Spira 3/96;QCD Corrections to SUSY Higgs Production: The Role of Squark Loops X
Osland,Pandita 6/98;Measuring the Trilinear Couplings of MSSM Neutral Higgs Bosons at High-Energy e^+e^- Colliders
Djouadi 6/98;Squark Effects on Higgs Boson Production and Decay at the LHC (X)
Drees etal 5/98;Light Charged Higgs Bosons in Supersymmetric Models
Dawson,Dittmaier,Spira 5/98;Neutral Higgs-Boson Pair Production at Hadron Colliders: QCD Corrections X
Djouadi,Kneur, Moultaka 11/97;Higgs Boson Production in Association with Scalar Top Quarks at Proton Colliders
Aurelio Diaz 10/97;Charged Higgs Sector with and without R--Parity
Hidaka 6/97;Large Squark-Mixing Impact on H+ Decay in the MSSM
Hollik 3/97;Radiative corrections in the MSSM Higgs sector X
Guasch,Sola 7/97;Implications on the Supersymmetric Higgs sector from Top quark decays at the Tevatron X
Yi,etal 8/97;SUSY charged Higgs boson pair production via gluon-gluon collisions X
Zerwas,etal 7/97;Production of Charged Higgs Boson Pairs in Gluon-Gluon Collisions X
Zhu,Li,Gao 10/97;Lightest Neutral Higgs Pair Production in Photon-photon Collisions in the MSSM
hep-ph/9912467 ; Authors: Jose I. Illana ; Title: Resonant production of heavy MSSM Higgs bosons at the Photon Collider
hep-ph/0002035 ; Authors: S. Dittmaier, M. Kr"amer, Y. Liao, M. Spira and P.M. Zerwas ; Title: Higgs radiation off quarks in supersymmetric theories at e^+e^-
hep-ph/0002134 ; Authors: Antonio Dobado, Maria J. Herrero, Siannah Penaranda ; Title: The Higgs sector of the MSSM in the decoupling limit
hep-ph/0002238 ; Authors: R. Lafaye, D.J. Miller, M. Muhlleitner, S. Moretti (coordinator) ; Title: Double Higgs production at TeV Colliders in the Minimal Supersymmetric
hep-ph/0003008; Authors: G. Cynolter, E. Lendvai, G. Pócsik ; Title: Resonance Production of Three Neutral Supersymmetric Higgs Bosons at LHC
hep-ph/9909386 ; Authors: A. Belyaev, M. Drees, J. K. Mizukoshi ; Title: Supersymmetric Higgs Boson Pair Production: Discovery Prospects at Hadron Colliders
hep-ph/0007006 ; Authors: Howard E. Haber, Maria J. Herrero, Heather E. Logan, Siannah ; Title: SUSY-QCD corrections to the MSSM $h^0 b bar b$ vertex in the decoupling
hep-ph/0008127 ; Authors: M.M. Muhlleitner ; Title: Higgs Particles in the Standard Model and Supersymmetric Theories
hep-ph/0101083 ; Authors: M.M. M"uhlleitner, M. Kr"amer, M. Spira and P.M. Zerwas ; Title: Production of MSSM Higgs Bosons in Photon-Photon Collisions
hep-ph/0101177 ; Authors: M.M. M"uhlleitner ; Title: Production of MSSM Higgs Bosons in $gammagamma$ Collisions
hep-ph/0101206 ; Authors: David Garcia ; Title: Quantum corrections for the MSSM Higgs couplings to SM fermions
hep-ph/0101263 ; Authors: M.M. Muhlleitner ; Title: Production of MSSM Higgs Bosons at Future $gammagamma$ Colliders
hep-ph/0101314 ; Authors: Michael Spira ; Title: Higgs Radiation off Quarks in the Standard Model and supersymmetric
hep-ph/0103018 ; Authors: A.A. Barrientos Bendezu, B.A. Kniehl (Hamburg University) ; Title: Pair production of neutral Higgs bosons at the CERN Large Hadron
hep-ph/0103135 ; Authors: G.J. Gounaris, P.I. Porfyriadis and F.M. Renard ; Title: The processes gamma gamma to Z H in SM and MSSM
hep-ph/0108063 ; Authors: G. Weiglein ; Title: Theoretical implications of the possible observation of Higgs bosons at
hep-ph/0110138 ; Authors: S.Y. Choi (Chonbuk National University), Kaoru Hagiwara (KEK) and Jae ; Title: Observability of the Lightest MSSM Higgs Boson with Explicit CP
hep-ph/0110289 ; Authors: A. Guti'errez-Rodr'{i}guez, M. A. Hern'andez-Ru'{i}z and O. A. ; Title: Production of the MSSM Higgs Bosons at Next Generation Linear $e^+e^-$
hep-ph/0110299 ; Authors: L. Reina, S. Dawson, D. Wackeroth ; Title: Associated Higgs boson production with heavy quarks at Hadron Colliders:
hep-ph/0111179 ; Authors: U. Ellwanger (Lab. Physique), J.F. Gunion (U.C. Davis) and C. Hugonie ; Title: Establishing a No-Lose Theorem for NMSSM Higgs Boson Discovery at the
hep-ph/0112039 ; ;
hep-ph/0112165 ; Authors: Shinya Kanemura, C.-P. Yuan (Michigan State University) ; Title: Testing Supersymmetry in the Associated Production of CP-odd and Charged
hep-ph/0201023 ; Authors: Tao Han, Bob McElrath ; Title: $h to mu^+mu^-$ via gluon fusion at the LHC
hep-ph/0201219 ; Authors: F. Boudjema and A. Semenov ; Title: Measurements of the SUSY Higgs self-couplings and the reconstruction of
hep-ph/0202167 ; Authors: M. Carena, S. Heinemeyer, C.E.M. Wagner, G. Weiglein ; Title: Suggestions for Benchmark Scenarios for MSSM Higgs Boson Searches at
hep-ph/0203067 ; Authors: S. Dawson, S. Heinemeyer > Authors: S. Dawson, S. Heinemeyer ; Title: The Higgs Boson Production Cross Section as a Precision Observable?
hep-ph/0206206 ; ;
hep-ph/0207330 ; ; Title: CP-odd A^0 production at e^+e^- colliders in MSSM with CP violating
hep-ph/0208014 ; ; Title: Self-interactions of the lightest MSSM Higgs boson in the large

models with extra dimensions/NC interactions

He 5/99;Extra Dimensions and Higgs Pair Production at Photon Colliders
hep-ph/0105090 ; Authors: Harald Grosse (ITP, Wien) and Yi Liao (ITP, Leipzig) ; Title: Pair Production of Neutral Higgs Bosons through Noncommutative QED Title: CP Violation and the Absence of Second Class Currents in Charmless B
hep-ph/0111287 ; Authors: Giacomo Cacciapaglia (1), Marco Cirelli (1), Giampaolo Cristadoro (2) ; Title: Gluon fusion production of the Higgs boson in a Calculable Model with
hep-ph/0206021 ; Authors: N. Arkani-Hamed, A.G. Cohen, E. Katz and A.E. Nelson ; Title: The Littlest Higgs
hep-ph/0206020 ; Authors: N. Arkani-Hamed, A.G. Cohen, T. Gregoire, E. Katz, A.E. Nelson, J.G. ; Title: The Minimal Moose for a Little Higgs


Photon modes at Linear Colliders

Zhu,Li,Gao 12/97;Squarks Loop Corrections to the Charged Higgs Boson Pair Production in Photon-Photon Collisions
hep-ph/0104179 ; Authors: Shinya Kanemura, Kosuke Odagiri ; Title: Can the charged Higgs boson be discovered in $egamma$ collisions using
hep-ph/0106103 ; Authors: Zhou Fei, Ma Wen-Gan, Jiang Yi, Li Xue-Qian and Wan Lang-Hui ; Title: Loop induced $W^{pm}H^{mp}$ associated production via photon-photon
hep-ph/0203090 ; Authors: Hong-Jian He, Shinya Kanemura, C.-P. Yuan ; Title: Determining the Chirality of Yukawa Couplings via Single Charged Higgs

e+e- Linear Collider

hep-ph/0006261 ; Authors: K. Huitu, J. Laitinen, J. Maalampi, N. Romanenko ; Title: Singly charged higgses at linear collider
hep-ph/9911541 ; Authors: Shinya Kanemura (ITP, Uni. Karlsruhe) ; Title: Possible enhancement of the $e^+ e^- to H^pm W^mp$ cross section in ... (X)
Arhrib,Moultaka 8/98;Radiative corrections to $e^+ e^- \to H^+ H^-$: THDM versus MSSM
Zhu 1/99;Charged Higgs Associated Production with W at Linear Collider
hep-ph/0206208 ; ;


Coarasa,Guasch,Sola 9/99;Top quark and charged Higgs at the Tevatron-Run II
hep-ph/0110020 ; Authors: Monoranjan Guchait and Stefano Moretti (CERN) ; Title: Improving the discovery potential of charged Higgs bosons at Tevatron


hep-ph/0107271 ; Authors: Aseshkrishna Datta, Abdelhak Djouadi, Monoranjan Guchait and Yann ; Title: Charged Higgs production from SUSY particle cascade decays at the LHC
hep-ph/9611374 ; Authors: S. Moretti, K. Odagiri ; Title: roduction of charged Higgs bosons of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in b-quark initiated processes at the Large Hadron Collider
hep-ph/0012079 ; Authors: Yi Jiang, Wen-Gan Ma, Liang Han, Hong-Sheng Hou ; Title: Charged Higgs boson pair production via gluon-gluon collisions in MSSM with CP violation
hep-ph/9905542 ; Author: D.P.Roy ; Title: The Hadronic Tau Decay Signature of a Heavy Charged Higgs Boson at LHC
hep-ph/0007336 ; Authors: A.A. Barrientos Bendezu, B.A. Kniehl (Hamburg University) ; Title: Squark Loop Correction to W^{+-} H^{-+} Associated Hadroproduction
hep-ph/9707430 ; Authors: A. Krause, T. Plehn, M. Spira, P.M. Zerwas ; Title:Production of Charged Higgs Boson Pairs in Gluon-Gluon Collisions
hep-ph/9708421 ;Authors: Jiang Yi, Ma Wen-gan, Han Liang, Han Meng, Yu Zeng-Hui ; Title: SUSY charged Higgs boson pair production via gluon-gluon collisions
Barrientos Bendezu,Kniehl 8/99;H^+H^- Pair Production at the Large Hadron Collider X
Barrientos Bendezu,Kniehl 9/99;Quark-Loop Amplitudes for W^+- H^-+ Associated Hadroproduction X
Moretti,Roy 9/99; Detecting heavy charged Higgs bosons at the LHC with triple b-tagging
Jin,Li,Oakes,Zhu 7/99;Yukawa Corrections to Charged Higgs Boson Production in Association with a Top Quark at Hadron Colliders
Odagiri 1/99;Searching for heavy charged Higgs bosons in the neutrino--tau decay mode at LHC
Miller,Moretti,Roy,Stirling 6/99;Detecting Heavy Charged Higgs Bosons at the LHC with Four b-Quark Tags
Moretti,Odagiri 9/98;The phenomenology of $W^\pm H^\mp$ production at the Large Hadron Collider
Barrientos Bendezu,Kniehl 7/98;W^+- H^-+ Associated Production at the Large Hadron Collider X
hep-ph/0109103 ; Authors: Wolfgang Hollik and Shou-hua Zhu (ITP, Karlsruhe University) ; Title: $O(alpha_s)$ Corrections to $b bar b to W^{pm}H^{mp}$ at the CERN
hep-ph/0112109 ; Author: Shou-hua Zhu ; Title: Complete next-to-leading order QCD corrections to charged Higgs boson associated production with top quark at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
hep-ph/0202016 ; Authors: Guangping Gao, Gongru Lu, Zhaohua Xiong, Jin Min Yang ; Title: Loop effects and non-decoupling property of SUSY QCD in g b-->tH^-
hep-ph/0203031 ; Authors: Alexander Belyaev, David Garcia, Jaume Guasch, Joan Sola ; Title: Prospects for heavy supersymmetric charged Higgs boson searches at
hep-ph/0203094 ; Authors: S.R. Slabospitsky (IHEP, Protvino, Russia) ; Title: Study of s-channel Charged Higgs Production in CMS
hep-ph/0203121 ; Authors: K. A. Assamagan, Y. Coadou, A. Deandrea ; Title: ATLAS discovery potential for a heavy charged Higgs boson
hep-ph/0206121 ; Authors: Tilman Plehn (UW Madison) ; Title: Charged Higgs Boson Production in Bottom-Gluon Fusion
hep-ph/0008198 ; ;


hep-ex/9912013 ; Title: Search for the Charged Higgs Boson in the Decays of Top Quark Pairs in the $e\tau$ and $\mu\tau$ Channels at $\sqrt{s}$=1.8 TeV ; Authors: CDF Collaboration
hep-ex/0004022 ; Author: Sherry Tower ; Title: harged Higgs Mass Limits from the Charged Kaon and Tau to Kaon Branching Fractions
hep-ex/9909044 ; Authors: L3 Collaboration ; Title: Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in e+e- Collisions at \sqrt{s} = 189 GeV
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology authors/titles "new"
hep-ex/0105045 ; Authors: Andre G. Holzner ; Title: Searches for Charged Higgs Bosons at LEP
hep-ph/0105199 ; Authors: Alessia Tricomi ; Title: Discovery potential of charged Higgs at LHC in H+- ->tau nu decays

Gutiérrez-Rodríguez,Sampayo 11/99;Detection of Charged MSSM Higgs Bosons at CERN LEP-II and NLC
Akeroyd,Arhrib,Dove 10/99;Charged and Pseudoscalar Higgs production at a Muon Collider
Diaz,Torrente-Lujan,Valle 08/98;Charged Higgs Mass Bounds from b -> s gamma in a Bilinear R-Parity Violating Model
Borzumati,Djouadi 6/98;Lower Bounds on Charged Higgs Bosons from LEP and TEVATRON
Ma,Roy,Wudka 10/97;Enhanced Three-Body Decay of the Charged Higgs Boson
hep-ph/9911452 ; Authors: Jaume Guasch, Wolfgang Hollik, Arnd Kraft ; Title: Radiative corrections to pair production of charged Higgs bosons at ... X
hep-ph/9905443 ; Authors: Francesca Borzumati, Jean-Loic Kneur, and Nir Polonsky ; Title: Charged Higgs- and R-Parity-Violating Slepton-Strahlung at Hadron Colliders
hep-ph/9912527 ; Authors: A. Arhrib, M. Capdequi Peyran`ere, W. Hollik, G. Moultaka ; Title: Associated H$^{-}$ W$^{+}$ Production in High Energy $e^+e^-$
hep-ph/0002288 ; Authors: A. Akeroyd, A.Arhrib and E.Naimi ; Title: Radiative corrections to the decay: $H^+ to W^+ A^0$
hep-ph/0004248 ; Authors: Ya Sheng Yang (PKU), Chong Sheng Li (PKU), Li Gang Jin (PKU), and Shou ; Title: Supersymmetric Electroweak Corrections to $W^{pm}H^{mp}$ Associated
hep-ph/0012030 ; Authors: S. Kanemura, S. Moretti, K. Odagiri ; Title: Single charged Higgs boson production at next generation linear
SPIRES-HEP Database Search Result
hep-ph/0102116 ; Author: S. Moretti (CERN) ; Title: Pair production of charged Higgs scalars from electroweak gauge boson
hep-ph/0010253 ; Authors: Mike Bisset (Tsinghua University), Monoranjan Guchait (DESY) and ; Title: Signatures of MSSM charged Higgs bosons via chargino-neutralino decay Title: Bounds for Lepton Flavor Violation and the Pseudoscalar Higgs in the
hep-ph/0105053 ; Authors: Alexander Belyaev, David Garcia, Jaume Guasch, Joan Sola ; Title: Prospects for supersymmetric charged Higgs boson discovery at the


Blümlein 6/99;Harmonic Sums and Mellin Transforms
Bigatti 2/98;Non commutative geometry for outsiders (rev)
Byrd 8/97;The Geometry of SU(3)
Aldrovandi etal 12/97;Lie Algebra Invariants
Karadayi,Gungormez 9/96;An Explicit Construction of Casimir Operators and Eigenvalues : I
Varilly 9/97;An Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry
Jordan,Libedinsky 3/97;Path Integral Invariance under Point Canonical Transformations X
Casalbuoni 3/97;Integrating a general algebra
Grozman,etal 2/97;Lie superalgebras of string theories
Shchepochkina 2/97;Maximal subalgebras of matrix Lie superalgebras
hep-ph/0008198 ; ;
hep-th/0207271 ; ; Title: What do Topologists want from Seiberg--Witten theory? (A review of




hep-ex/9912067 ; Authors: David Sanders (1), Chris Riley (1), Lucien Cremaldi (1), Don Summers ; Title: Working with Arrays of Inexpensive EIDE Disk Drives
hep-ph/0007221 ; Authors: D. Fliegner (Karlsruhe U., TTP), A. Retey (Karlsruhe U., TTP), J.A.M. ; Title: Parallelizing the Symbolic Manipulation Program FORM Part I: Workstation
hep-ph/0010017 ; Authors: Torbj"orn Sj"ostrand, Patrik Ed'en, Christer Friberg, Leif ; Title: High-Energy-Physics Event Generation with PYTHIA 6.1
math-ph/0010025 ; Authors: J.A.M. Vermaseren ; Title: New features of FORM
hep-ph/0102231 ; Authors: C. Bauer, H.S. Do ; Title: One-loop integrals with XLOOPS-GiNaC
hep-ph/0009029 ; Authors: M. Steinhauser ; Title: MATAD: a program package for the computation of MAssive TADpoles
hep-ph/0108264 ; Authors: Torbj"orn Sj"ostrand, Leif L"onnblad and Stephen Mrenna ; Title: PYTHIA 6.2 Physics and Manual
hep-ph/9905225 ; ;
hep-ph/9803375 ; ;
hep-ph/0204123 ; Authors: S. Moretti, K. Odagiri, P. Richardson, M.H. Seymour, B.R. Webber ; Title: Implementation of supersymmetric processes in the HERWIG event generator
hep-ph/0208011 ; ; Title: LanHEP - a package for automatic generation of Feynman rules in field

Bardin et al 8/99;ZFITTER v.6.21 - A Semi-Analytical Program for Fermion Pair Production in e+e- Annihilation
Grassi,Hurth,Steinhauser 7/99;Practical Algebraic Renormalization
Dittmaier 4/99;A General Approach To Photon Radiation Off Fermions


Tkachov 12/96;On dimensional regularization and mathematical rigour X
Jack,Jones 7/97;Regularisation of Supersymmetric Theories
Jack,Jones,Roberts 1/94;Equivalence of Dimensional Reduction and Dimensional Regularisation
Perez-Victoria 8/98;Constrained Differential Renormalization of Yang-Mills Theories
Hahn,Perez-Victoria 7/98;Automatized One-Loop Calculations in 4 and D dimensions
Aguila etal 6/98;Techniques for one-loop calculations in constrained differential renormalization
Aguila etal 9/97;Constraining differential renormalization in abelian gauge theories
Aguila 10/97;Constrained Differential Renormalization
Latorre etal 3/93;Systematic Differential Renormalization to All Orders
Larin 2/93;The renormalization of the axial anomaly in dimensional regularization
hep-th/0005255 ; Authors: F. Jegerlehner ; Title: Facts of life with gamma(5)
hep-ph/9903380 ; ;

numerical integration, Monte Carlo

Jadach 10/99;Foam: Multi-Dimensional General Purpose Monte Carlo Generator With Self-Adapting Symplectic Grid
Jadach 6/99;Practical Guide to Monte Carlo
James,Hoogland,Kleiss 6/96;Multidimensional sampling for simulation and integration: measures, discrepancies, and quasi-random numbers
Soper 12/98;Talk on QCD Calculations by Numerical Integration
Soper 4/98;QCD Calculations by Numerical Integration
Ohl 6/98;Vegas Revisited: Adaptive Monte Carlo Integration Beyond Factorization
hep-ph/0006269 ; Authors: Stefan Weinzierl ; Title: Introduction to Monte Carlo methods
hep-ph/0201201 ; Authors: G. Corcella, I.G. Knowles, G. Marchesini, S. Moretti, K. Odagiri, P. ; Title: HERWIG 6.4 Release Note

calculating feynman diagrams

Larin 8/99;The method of expansion of Feynman integrals
Binoth,Guillet,Heinrich 11/99;Reduction formalism for dimensionally regulated one-loop N-point integrals
Harlander 10/99;Asymptotic Expansions - Methods and Applications
Hahn 10/99;Loop Calculations with FeynArts, FormCalc, and LoopTools
Fleischer,Jegerlehner,Tarasov 7/99;Algebraic reduction of one-loop Feynman graph amplitudes
Pukhov et al 8/99;CompHEP - a package for evaluation of Feynman diagrams and integration over multi-particle phase space. User's manual for version 33
Fleischer,Kalmykov,Kotikov 5/99;Two-loop self-energy master integrals on shell
Harlander,Steinhauser 12/98;Automatic Computation of Feynman Diagrams (rev)
Easther,Guralnik,Hahn 3/99;Fast Evaluation of Feynman Diagrams
Remiddi 11/97;Differential Equations for Feynman Graph Amplitudes
Stuart 9/94;Algebraic Reduction of Feynman Diagrams to Scalar Integrals
Stuart,Devaraj 4/97;Reduction of One-loop Tensor Form-Factors to Scalar Integrals: A General Scheme
hep-ph/9912251 ; Authors: C. Anastasiou, E.W.N. Glover and C. Oleari ; Title: The two-loop scalar and tensor pentabox graph with light-like legs
hep-ph/0003043 ; Author: W.L. van Neerven ; Title: Higher Order Corrections in Perturbative Quantum Chromo Dynamics
hep-ph/0003261 ; Authors: C. Anastasiou, T. Gehrmann, C. Oleari, E. Remiddi and J.B. Tausk ; Title: The tensor reduction and master integrals of the two-loop massless
hep-ph/0104164 ; Authors: Alessandro Vicini ; Title: Gauge invariant decomposition of 1-loop multiparticle scattering X
hep-ph/0105349 ; Authors: T. Hahn, C. Schappacher ; Title: The Implementation of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model in
hep-ph/0108252 ; Author: G. Passarino (Turin Univ. and INFN Turin) ; Title: An Approach Toward the Numerical Evaluation of Multi-Loop Feynman
hep-ph/0112004 ; ;
hep-ph/0201075 ; Authors: M. Steinhauser ; Title: Results and Techniques of Multi-Loop Calculations
hep-ph/0202004 ; Authors: D.Bardin, G.Passarino, L.Kalinovskaya, P.Christova, A.Andonov, ; Title: Project "CalcPHEP: Calculus for Precision High Energy Physics"
hep-ph/0208036 ; Authors: J. Fujimoto, et al ; Title: GRACE/SUSY Automatic Generation of Tree Amplitudes in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
abstract hep-ph/0209177

weak scale susy models (mssm and such)

proceses (except Higgs prod.)

Kraml 3/99;Stop and Sbottom Phenomenology in the MSSM (diss)
Gunion 10/98;Selected Low-Energy Supersymmetry Phenomenology Topics (rev)


SM particle production with susy corrections

Berger,Kao 9/98; Production of Z Boson Pairs via Gluon Fusion in the Minimal Supersymmetric Model
hep-ph/0002058 ; Author: A.A. Barrientos Bendezu, K.-P.O. Diener and B.A. Kniehl ; Title: Virtual Sfermion Effects on Vector-Boson Pair Production at e^+e^- X
hep-ph/0007062 ; Authors: T. Hahn ; Title: Complete one-loop corrections to e+ e- -> W+ W- in the MSSM
hep-ph/0002066 ; Authors: Sher Alam (KEK), Kaoru Hagiwara (KEK), Shinya Kanemura (Uni. ; Title: One-loop sfermion corrections to $e^-e^+ to W^-W^+$ in the MSSM
Gounaris,Porfyriadis,Renard 2/99;The gamma gamma to gamma gamma process in the Standard and SUSY models at high energies

susy particle production

Beenakker,Klasen,Krämer,Plehn,Spira,Zerwas 6/99;The Production of Charginos/Neutralinos and Sleptons at Hadron Colliders
Diaz 10/99;One-Loop Radiative Corrections to Chargino Pair Production
Berger,Klasen,Tait 2/99;Associated Production of Gauginos and Gluinos at Hadron Colliders in Next-to-Leading Order SUSY-QCD
Spira 12/98;SUSY Particle Production at Hadron Colliders (rev)
Plehn,Spira 10/98;SUSY Particle Production at the Tevatron
Plehn 9/98;Production of Supersymmetric Particles at High-Energy Colliders (thesis)
Spira 5/97;Squark and Gluino Production at Hadron Colliders X
hep-ph/0108117 ; ;


SM particle decay with susy corrections

hep-ph/9508339 ; Author: Joan Sola ; Title : The Top-Quark Width in the Light of $Z$-Boson Physics

susy particle decay

Boehm,Djouadi,Mambrini 7/99;Decays of the Lightest Top Squark
hep-ph/0007174 ; Authors: A. Djouadi and Y. Mambrini (LPMT Montpellier) ; Title: Three-Body Decays of SUSY Particles
hep-ph/9609419 ; Authors: A. Djouadi, W. Hollik, C. Junger ; Title: QCD Corrections to Scalar Quark Decays
hep-ph/0011364 ; Authors: A. Djouadi and Y. Mambrini (LPMT Montpellier) ; Title: Three-Body Decays of Top and Bottom Squarks
hep-ph/0207364 ; ; Title: Fermionic decays of sfermions: a complete discussion at one-loop order

susy parameters, constraints

Heinemeyer,Hollik,Weiglein 9/99;Constraints on tan beta in the MSSM from the Upper Bound on the Mass of the Lightest Higgs boson X
Brignole,Ibáñez,Muñoz 8/93;Towards a Theory of Soft Terms for the Supersymmetric Standard Model
Suematsu 4/96;Flavor Structure of Soft SUSY Breaking Parameters
Khriplovich,Zyablyuk 4/96;New Constraints from Electric Dipole Moments on Parameters of the Supersymmetric SO(10) Model
Strumia 4/96;Charge and color breaking minima and constraints on the MSSM parameters
Casas 12/95;New and Strong Constraints on the Parameter Space of the MSSM from Charge and Color Breaking Directions
Casas,Lleyda,Muñoz 7/95;Strong Constraints on the Parameter Space of the MSSM from Charge and Color Breaking Minima
Bordner 6/95;Parameter Bounds in the Supersymmetric Standard Model from Charge/Color Breaking Vacua
Carena,Wagner 7/94;Soft Supersymmetry Breaking Parameters and Minimal SO(10) Unification
hep-ph/9911468 ; Authors: Abdelhak Djouadi (LPMT Montpellier) ; Title: Supersymmetry Effects on High-Precision Electroweak Observables
hep-ph/0112086 ; ;
hep-ph/0202233 ; Authors: B.C. Allanach, M. Battaglia, G.A. Blair, M. Carena, A. De Roeck, A. ; Title: The Snowmass Points and Slopes: Benchmarks for SUSY Searches

Dreiner 2/99;Hide and Seek with Supersymmetry (lect)
Kuroda 2/99;Complete Lagrangian of MSSM
Djouadi etal 1/99;The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: Group Summary Report
Gunion,Haber 6/98; Low-Energy Supersymmetry at Future Colliders
Pierce 5/98;Renormalization of Supersymmetric Theories (lect)
Amundson etal 9/96;Report of the Supersymmetry Theory Working Group X
Kane,Brhlik 3/98;Measuring the Supersymmetry Lagrangian
Barger 1/98;Supersymmetry Phenomenology
Gunion 1/98;Searching for Low-Energy Supersymmetry
Dawson 12/97;The MSSM and Why it Works
Dobado,Herrero,Peñaranda 10/97;Decoupling of supersymmetric particles
Haber 9/97;The Status of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and Beyond
Haber 10/95;Low-Energy Supersymmetry: Prospects and Challenges
Simonsen 6/95;A Review of Minimal Supersymmetric Electro-Weak Theory (rev) (X)
Zwirner 3/92;The quest for low-energy supersymmetry and the role of high-energy $e^+e^-$ colliders
hep-ph/0001257 ; Authors: D.I. Kazakov (BLTP, JINR, Dubna and ITEP, Moscow) ; Title: Supersymmetry in Particle Physics: The Renormalization Group Viewpoint
hep-ph/0005142 ; Authors: S. Abdullin, M. Drees, H.-U. Martyn, G. Polesello; S. Ambrosanio, H. ; Title: Summary of the SUSY Working Group of the 1999 Les Houches Workshop
hep-ph/0007134 ; Authors: W. Hollik, E. Kraus, D. St"ockinger Authors: W. Hollik, E. Kraus, D. St"ockinger ; Title: Renormalization of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with soft Title: Renormalization of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with soft supersymmetry breaking
hep-ph/0008190 ; Authors: Gordon L. Kane ; Title: The Supersymmetry Soft-breaking Lagrangian - Where Experiment and String Theory Meet (lect)
hep-ph/0012288 ; Authors: D. I. Kazakov (JINR, Dubna and ITEP, Moscow) ; Title: Beyond the Standard Model (in Search of Supersymmetry)
hep-ph/0103095 ; Authors: Howard E. Haber ; Title: Low-Energy Supersymmetry and its Phenomenology
hep-ph/0202185 ; Authors: Gordon L. Kane ; Title: Tasi lectures: weak scale supersymmetry - a top-motivated-bottom-up
hep-ph/9707209 ; ;

models of strong interaction at the TeV scale

top condensate model
hep-ph/0202255 ; Authors: Kenneth Lane ; Title: Two Lectures on Technicolor
hep-ph/0203079 ; Authors: Christopher T. Hill and Elizabeth H. Simmons ; Title: Strong Dynamics and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking

partphys overview

Peskin 10/99;Physics Goals of the Linear Collider (lect)
Dine 5/99;Possible Scales of New Physics X
Zeppenfeld 2/99;Collider Physics (lect)
Peccei 12/98;Summary of RADCOR 98 X
Ellis J. 12/98;Beyond the Standard Model for Hillwalkers (lect)
Witten 12/98;New Perspectives on the Quest for Unification X
Peccei 11/98;Summary and Outlook
Altarelli 9/98;The Standard Model and Beyond X
Gross 9/98;Twenty Five Years of Asymptotic Freedom X
Peccei 8/98;Physics at the Interface of Particle Physics and Cosmology (lect)
Ellis,J. 6/98;Summary of DIS 98 (X)
Wilczek 2/98;Beyond The Standard Model: An Answer and Twenty Questions X
Wilczek 2/97;The Future of Particle Physics as a Natural Science X
Quigg 2/98;The Top Quark and Higgs Boson at Hadron Colliders X
Gunion 2/98;Physics at a Muon Collider
Collins 5/97;QCD and Hadronic Interactions: Summary talk for Moriond 97 X
Foster 12/97;Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Bjorken 11/96;QCD: Questions, Challenges, and Dilemmas X
Ellis J. 11/96;Current Issues in the Phenomenology of Particle Physics
Ellis J. 7/97;Phenomenology of LEP 2 Physics
Ellis J. 12/97;Physics at Future Colliders
Veneziano 4/97;Summary and Outlook X
Weinberg 11/92;Conference Summary ICHEP'92
hep-ph/9911440 ; Authors: John Ellis (CERN) ; Title: Possible Accelerators @ CERN Beyond the LHC
hep-ph/9912291 ; Authors: G. Altarelli (CERN, Geneva and Uni. Roma Tre, Rome) ; Title: The crucial problem: the electroweak symmetry breaking
hep-ph/9912302 ; Authors: B. C. Allanach, J. van der Bij, A. Dedes, A. Djouadi, J. ; Title: Report of the Beyond the Standard Model Working Group of the 1999 UK
hep-ph/9912433 ; Authors: S. Dawson ; Title: Physics in 2006
hep-ph/9912541 ; Authors: R. D. Peccei ; Title: Particle Physics I: The SM and the MSSM
hep-ph/0001145 ; Authors: Chris Quigg ; Title: The State of the Standard Model X
Preprint KA-TP-28-1999 ; Author: Hollik ; Title: THE ELECTROWEAK STANDARD MODEL X
hep-ph/0001319 ; Authors: Joseph D. Lykken (Fermilab) ; Title: Physics Needs for Future Accelerators X
hep-ph/0002041 ; Authors: Michael E. Peskin ; Title: Theoretical Summary Lecture for EPS HEP99
hep-ph/0002080 ; Authors: Chris Quigg ; Title: Perspectives in High-Energy Physics
hep-ph/0002092 ; Author: Juan Maldacena ; Title: Gravity, particle physics and their unification X
hep-ph/0002117 ; Author: John Ellis (CERN) ; Title: Physics Goals of the Next Century @ CERN
hep-ph/0002255 ; Authors: Z.K. Silagadze ; Title: TeV scale gravity, mirror universe, and ... dinosaurs
hep-ph/0002297 ; Authors: Edward Witten ; Title: The Cosmological Constant From The Viewpoint Of String Theory X
hep-ph/0003221 ; Authors: P.M. Zerwas ; Title: Physics with an e+e- Linear Collider at High Luminosity
hep-ph/0002041 ; Authors: Michael E. Peskin ; Title: Theoretical Summary Lecture for EPS HEP99 Title: Nuclear Shadowing and Coherence Length for Longitudinal and Transverse
hep-ph/0006180 ; Author: James D. Bjorken (SLAC) ; Title: The Future of Particle Physics
hep-ph/0007094 ; Authors: D J Miller ; Title: Linear Collider Physics
hep-ph/0007161 ; Author: John Ellis (CERN) ; Title: Perspectives in High-Energy Physics
hep-ph/0007265 ; Authors: Riccardo Barbieri and Alessandro Strumia ; Title: The `LEP paradox'
hep-ph/0009204 ; Authors: Adrian Kent ; Title: A critical look at catastrophe risk assessments
hep-ph/0011078 ; Authors: G. Altarelli ; Title: The Standard Electroweak Theory and Beyond
hep-ph/0011255 ; Authors: H.Spiesberger, M.Spira and P.M.Zerwas ; Title: The Standard Model: Physical Basis and Scattering Experiments
hep-ph/0101187 ; Authors: Frank Wilczek ; Title: Future Summary
hep-ex/0108040 ; Authors: B. T. Fleming, J. Krane, G. P. Zeller, F. Canelli, B. Connolly, R. ; Title: Results of the Survey on the Future of HEP
physics/0110060 ; Authors: M. J. Duff, L. B. Okun and G. Veneziano ; Title: Trialogue on the number of fundamental constants
hep-ph/0111274 ; Authors: Chris Quigg ; Title: Particle Physics-Future Directions
hep-th/0111196 ; Author: James Bjorken (SLAC) ; Title: Emergent Gauge Bosons
hep-th/0111237 ; Authors: M. J. Duff ; Title: The world in eleven dimensions: a tribute to Oskar Klein
hep-ph/0112348 ; Authors: Esteban Roulet ; Title: Beyond the Standard Model
hep-ph/0201147 ; Authors: Nicola Cabibbo (University of Rome - La Sapienza) ; Title: Lepton Photon 2001 Concluding Remarks Title: Probing the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Mechanism at High Energy
hep-ph/0201222 ; Authors: Frank Wilczek ; Title: Four Big Questions with Pretty Good Answers
hep-ph/0204104 ; Authors: Chris Quigg ; Title: The Electroweak Theory
hep-ph/0207124 ; ; Title: Quest For Unification
hep-th/0207203 ; ; Title: Old Puzzles
hep-th/0208054 ; Author: Gerard 't Hooft (Utrecht) ; Title: On Peculiarities and Pit Falls in Path Integrals

experimental results/comparison with predictions/suggestions for new experiments

particle physics

hep-ex/0006016 ; Authors: F. Gianotti and M. Pepe-Altarelli (CERN) ; Title: Precision Physics at the LHC
Passarino 11/99;The Twofold Way, a Short Disquisition of LEP Physics
Pich 10/99;Electroweak Precision Tests
Marciano 2/99;Precision Electroweak Measurements and ``New Physics'' (rev)
Jungmann 5/98;Searching New Physics in Muonium Atom
Stocchi 2/99;$B^0 - \bar{B}^0$ oscillations and measurements of $|V_{ub}|/|V_{cb}|$ at LEP
Nodulman 10/98;Experimental Tests of the Standard Model (lect)
Altarelli 10/97;The Status of The Standard Model
Langacker,Erler 3/97;Unification or Compositeness? X


hep-ex/0102017 ; Authors: H.N. Brown, et al, Muon g-2 Collaboration ; Title: Precise Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
hep-ph/0102122 ; Authors: Andrzej Czarnecki and William J. Marciano ; Title: The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment: A Harbinger For "New Physics" X
hep-ph/0102145 ; Authors: Lisa Everett, Gordon L. Kane, Stefano Rigolin, Lian-Tao Wang ; Title: mplications of Muon g-2 for Supersymmetry and for Discovering Superpartners Directly X
hep-ph/0102312 ; Author: F. J. Yndurain Author: F. J. Yndurain ; Title: Disagreement between standard model and experiment for muon g-2 ? Title: Disagreement between standard model and experiment for muon g-2 ?
hep-ph/0102297 ; Authors: Athanasios Dedes and Howard E. Haber ; Title: Can the Higgs sector contribute significantly to the muon anomalous
hep-ph/0103067 ; Authors: Stephen P. Martin and James D. Wells ; Title: Muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment in supersymmetric theories
hep-ex/0202024 ; Authors: David W. Hertzog ; Title: The BNL Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment Measurement
hep-ex/0208001 ; ; Title: Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.7 ppm

neutrinoless couble beta decay

hep-ph/0201224 ; Authors: H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and U. Sarkar ; Title: Implications of observed neutrinoless double beta decay
hep-ph/0201224 ; Authors: H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and U. Sarkar ; Title: Implications of observed neutrinoless double beta decay
hep-ph/0201231 ; Authors: H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, A. Dietz, H.L. Harney (MPI-Kernphysik, ; Title: Evidence for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
hep-ex/0202018 ; Authors: C. E. Aalseth, F. T. Avignone III, A. Barabash, F. Boehm, R. L. ; Title: Comment on "Evidence for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay"
hep-ph/0201291 ; ;

neutrino physics

Halzen 9/98;The AMANDA Neutrino Telescope
Super-Kamiokande Collaboration 7/98;Evidence for oscillation of atmospheric neutrinos X
LSND Collaboration 9/97;Evidence for nu_mu -> nu_e Neutrino Oscillations from LSND
KARMEN Collaboration 6/97;KARMEN: Present Neutrino-Oscillation Limits and Perspectives after the Upgrade
hep-ex/0008002 ; Authors: K. Eitel (KARMEN collaboration) ; Title: Latest Results of the KARMEN2 Experiment

Future Colliders/Experiments

Miller 1/99;Precision Studies at a Future Linear Collider
hep-ph/0005024 ; Authors: J. Erler, S. Heinemeyer, W. Hollik, G. Weiglein, and P.M. Zerwas ; Title: Physics Impact of GigaZ
hep-ex/0007022 ; Authors: J. Bagger, et al. (American Linear Collider Working Group) ; Title: The Case for a 500 GeV e+e- Linear Collider
hep-ex/0101005 ; Authors: Klaus Moenig ; Title: What is the Case for a Return to the Z-Pole?
hep-ex/0106055 ; Authors: T. Abe, et al. (American Linear Collider Working Group) ; Title: Linear Collider Physics Resource Book for Snowmass 2001 - Part 1:
hep-ex/0106056 ; Authors: T. Abe, et al. (American Linear Collider Working Group) ; Title: Linear Collider Physics Resource Book for Snowmass 2001 - Part 2: Higgs
hep-ex/0107044 ; Authors: Paul F. Derwent, Bogdan A. Dobrescu, Andreas S. Kronfeld, Heather E. ; Title: Linear Collider Physics
hep-ex/0108041 ; Authors: Rajendran Raja, ; Title: The Program in Muon and Neutrino Physics: Super Beams, Cold Muon Beams,
hep-ex/0112004 ; ;
hep-ph/0112313 ; Authors: Timothy L. Barklow (SLAC) and Albert De Roeck (CERN) ; Title: Physics at Multi-TeV Linear Colliders
hep-ex/0203019 ; Authors: G. Azuelos, D. Benchekroun, O. Cakir, E. Elfgren, F. Gianotti, J.-B. ; Title: Impact of Energy and Luminosity upgrades at LHC on the Physics program
hep-ex/0203025 ; Authors: P.N. Burrows (Oxford University) J.R. Patterson (Cornell University) ; Title: Summary of Discussion Question 4: Energy Expandability of a Linear

elektroweak physics

hep-ex/9911045 ; Authors: Klaus Moenig ; Title: Electroweak Physics, Experimental Aspects
Erler,Langacker 10/99;Indications for an Extra Neutral Gauge Boson in Electroweak Precision Data
ALEPH Collab. 1/99;Measurement of triple gauge WWgamma couplings at LEP2 using photonic events
Pepe-Altarelli 11/98;W physics at LEP
hep-ex/0005043 ; Authors: ALEPH Collaboration (CERN) ; Title: Measurement of W-pair production in e+e- collisions at 189GeV
hep-ex/0002034 ; Authors: L3 Collaboration ; Title: Measurement of Hadron and Lepton-Pair Production at 130GeV < sqrt{s} <
hep-ex/0002046 ; Authors: L3 Collaboration ; Title: Measurements of Cross Sections and Forward-Backward Asymmetries at the Z
hep-ex/0006025 ; Authors: CDF Collaboration: T. Affolder, et al ; Title: Measurement of Rapidity Distribution for High Mass Drell-Yan ee Pairs at
hep-ex/0103048 ; Authors: The LEP Collaborations: Aleph collaboration, Delphi collaboration, L3 ; Title: A Combination of Preliminary Electroweak Measurements and Constraints on
hep-ex/0205080 ; ;
hep-ph/0207123 ; ; Title: Electroweak Data and the Higgs Boson Mass: A Case for New Physics

Higgs searches


hep-ex/0201023 ; Authors: The DELPHI Collaboration, J. Abdallah, et al ; Title: Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in e+e- Collisions at sqrt(s)=189-202
hep-ex/0201022 ; Authors: The DELPHI Collaboration, J. Abdallah, et al ; Title: Searches for neutral Higgs bosons in e+e- collisions from sqrt(s) =
hep-ex/0207054 ; ; Title: Search for charged Higgs bosons in e+e- collisions at energies up to


hep-ex/0106087 ; Authors: M. Kado ; Title: Hints of Higgs Boson Production at LEP
hep-ex/0107035 ; Authors: LEP Higgs Working Group et al.; Title: Searches for Higgs Bosons Decaying into Photons: Preliminary Combined Results Using LEP Data Collected at Energies up to 209 GeV
hep-ex/0107032 ;Authors: LEP Higgs Working Group et al.; Title:Searches for Invisible Higgs bosons: Preliminary combined results using LEP data collected at energies up to 209 GeV
hep-ex/0107031 ; Authors: LEP Higgs Working Group et al.; Title: Search for Charged Higgs bosons: Preliminary Combined Results Using LEP data Collected at Energies up to 209 GeV
hep-ex/0107030 ; Authors: LEP Higgs Working Group et al.; Title:Searches for the Neutral Higgs Bosons of the MSSM: Preliminary Combined Results Using LEP Data Collected at Energies up to 209 GeV
hep-ex/0110076 ; Authors: P. Janot (CERN) ; Title: Higgs Searches at LEP and at the Tevatron
hep-ph/0112082 ; Authors: Andre Sopczak ; Title:Complete LEP Data: Status of Higgs Boson Searches
hep-ex/0107030 ; ;

L3 Collaboration 9/99;Search for Charged Higgs Bosons in e+e- Collisions at \sqrt{s} = 189 GeV
ALEPH Collab. 2/99;Search for charged Higgs bosons in e+e- collisions at sqrt(s) = 181-184 GeV
Dittmar 1/99;Searching for the Higgs and other Exotic Objects; A ``How to'' Guide from LEP to the LHC (lect)
ALEPH Collab. 11/98;Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson at the LEP2 collider near sqrt(S) = 183GeV
OPAL Collab. 11/98;Search for Higgs Bosons in e+e- Collisions at 183 GeV
OPAL Collab. 2/98;Search for charged Higgs bosons in e^+e- collisions at sqrt{s}=130-172GeV
Sopczak 12/97;Searches for Higgs Bosons at LEP2
hep-ph/9911445 ; Author: Andre Sopczak ; Title: Search for New Particles at LEP X
hep-ex/0008005 ; Authors: ALEPH Collaboration (CERN) ; Title: Search for charged Higgs bosons in e+e- collisions at energies up to
hep-ex/0011043 ; Authors: L3 Collaboration ; Title: Higgs Candidates in e+e- Interactions at root(s) = 206.6 GeV
hep-ex/0011045 ; Authors: ALEPH Collaboration ; Title: Observation of an Excess in the Search for the Standard Model Higgs
hep-ex/0011086 ; Author: John Ellis (CERN) ; Title: The 115 GeV Higgs Odyssey
hep-ex/0201014 ; ;

searches for supersymmetry

ALEPH Collab. 11/98;Search for supersymmetry with a dominant R-parity violating LQDbar couplings in e+e- collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130GeV to 172 GeV
DELPHI Collab. 11/98;A Search for Heavy Stable and Long-Lived Squarks and Sleptons in e+e- Collisions at Energies from 130 to 183 GeV
Dittmar 7/99;Status and Prospects of Supersymmetry Searches at Colliders
hep-ex/0007001 ; Authors: Ia Iashvili (For the LEP Collaborations) ; Title: MSSM SUSY Searches at LEP2
hep-ex/0103014 ; Authors: The DELPHI Collaboration, P. Abreu, et al ; Title: Limits on the Masses of Supersymmetric Particles at sqrt(s)=189 GeV
hep-ph/0105026 ; ;
hep-ph/0202110 ; Authors: John Ellis (CERN), Keith Olive (U. of Minnesota), Yudi Santoso (U. of ; Title: Constraining Supersymmetry

DIS, QCD processes, HERA events, RHIC

Spanier 1/98;Crystal Barrel Results on Two-Body Decays of the Scalar Glueball
Foster 12/97;Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA (x)
Montvay 4/97;Leptoquarks and vector-like strong interactions at the TeV scale (X)
Barbieri,Berezhiani,Strumia 4/97;The high-Q^2 Hera anomaly and supersymmetric unification X
hep-ex/0112032 ; Authors: Siegfried Bethke (Max Planck Institute of Physics, Munich, germany) ; Title: Eleven Years of QCD at LEP
hep-ph/0202025 ; Authors: Larry McLerran ; Title: What Have We Learned from RHIC?

extra dimensions

Nath,Yamaguchi 2/99; Effects of Extra Space-time Dimensions on the Fermi Constant (X)
hep-ph/0112054 ; ;

hep-ex/0101015 ; Authors: Tom Junk ; Title: Searches at LEP
hep-ex/0108026 ; Authors: Gail G. Hanson ; Title: Experimental Summary
hep-ex/0110077 ; Authors: J. Drees ; Title: Review of Final LEP Results or A Tribute to LEP
hep-ex/0202044 ; Authors: D. Acosta, et al, The CDF collaboration ; Title: Search for New Physics in Photon-Lepton Events in pbar-p Collisions at
hep-ex/9711020 ; ;
hep-ex/0207020 ; Authors: The MACRO Collaboration ; Title: Final results of magnetic monopole searches with the MACRO experiment

astrophysics & cosmology

astro-ph/0204017 ; Authors: Alessandro Melchiorri (University of Oxford) ; Title: CMB and Cosmological Parameters: Current Status and Prospects

gravity / general relativity

Mele 10/98;Indirect Measurement of the Vertex and Angles of the Unitarity Triangle
Amelino-Camelia 12/98;An interferometric gravitational wave detector as a quantum-gravity apparatus
Will 11/98;The Confrontation between General Relativity and Experiment: A 1998 Update (lect)
gr-qc/0011022 ; Authors: Lorenzo Iorio ; Title: Solid and ocean tides and the detection of some gravitomagnetic effects
hep-ph/0011014 ; Authors: C. D. Hoyle, U. Schmidt, B. R. Heckel, E. G. Adelberger, J. H. ; Title: Sub-millimeter tests of the gravitational inverse-square law: A search
gr-qc/0103067 ; Authors: Mark P. Haugan and C. L"ammerzahl ; Title: Principles of Equivalence: Their Role in Gravitation Physics and
gr-qc/0105014 ; Authors: Lorenzo Iorio ; Title: Testing General Relativity with LAGEOSs and Ajisai laser-ranged
gr-qc/0110116 ; Authors: Lorenzo Iorio Authors: Lorenzo Iorio ; Title: Testing General Relativity in the gravitational field of the Moon with Title: Testing General Relativity in the gravitational field of the Moon with Title: Searches for Extra Dimensions at LEP
hep-ex/0202008 ; Authors: E. G. Adelberger (for the Eot-Wash group) ; Title: Sub-mm tests of the gravitational inverse-square law
gr-qc/0206073 ; ;

hep-ph/0010295 ; Authors: Sheldon Stone ; Title: Pathological Science

strings/duality/M-theory/new ideas

M theory

Banks 11/99;TASI Lectures on Matrix Theory (lect)
Abou-Zeid,de Wit,Lust,Nicolai 8/99;Space-Time Supersymmetry, IIA/B Duality and M-Theory
Ovrut 5/99;N=1 Supersymmetric Vacua in Heterotic M-Theory (lect)
Haack,Kors,Luest 4/99;Recent Developments in String Theory: From Perturbative Dualities to M-Theory
Green 3/99;Interconnections between type II superstrings, M theory and N=4 supersymmetric Yang--Mills (lect)
Schwarz 12/98;Introduction to M Theory and AdS/CFT Duality (lect)
Obers,Pioline 9/98;U-duality and M-Theory (rev)
Schwarz 7/98;From Superstrings to M Theory
Ellis 4/98;Aspects of M Theory and Phenomenology (rev)
Nicolai 1/98;On M-Theory
Banks 10/97;Matrix Theory
Banks 6/97;The State of Matrix Theory
Townsend 12/96;Four Lectures on M-theory (lect)
Schwarz 7/96;Lectures on Superstring and M Theory Dualities (lect)
hep-th/0003175 ; Author: Michael Dine ; Title: TASI Lectures on M Theory Phenomenology
hep-th/0201032 ; Authors: Burt A. Ovrut (University of Pennsylvania) ; Title: Lectures on Heterotic M-Theory
hep-th/0201114 ; Authors: Steven S. Gubser ; Title: TASI lectures: special holonomy in string theory and M-theory

non commutative QFT

hep-th/0105221 ; Authors: I. Jack and D.R.T. Jones ; Title: Ultra-violet Finite Noncommutative Theories
hep-th/0110057 ; Authors: R. Jackiw ; Title: Physical Instances of Noncommuting Coordinates
hep-ph/0111115 ; Authors: X. Calmet, B. Jurco, P. Schupp, J. Wess, M. Wohlgenannt ; Title: The Standard Model on Non-Commutative Space-Time
hep-ph/0202121 ; Authors: W. Behr, N.G. Deshpande, G. Duplancic, P. Schupp, J. Trampetic and J. ; Title: The Z -> gamma gamma, gg Decays in the Noncommutative Standard Model

Born Infeld Theory

hep-th/0008052 ; Authors: G.W.Gibbons and C.A.R.Herdeiro (DAMTP-Cambridge) ; Title: Born-Infeld Theory and Stringy Causality
hep-th/0106059; Author: G W Gibbons; Title: Aspects of Born-Infeld Theory and String/M-Theory
hep-th/0108189 ; Authors: Sergei V. Ketov ; Title: Many faces of Born-Infeld theory

Kaluza-Klein theory

Overduin,Wesson 5/98;Kaluza-Klein Gravity (rev)
hep-ph/9911229 ; Author: Thomas G. Rizzo ; Title: Kaluza-Klein Physics at Muon Colliders
gr-qc/0009087 ; Authors: Jeroen van Dongen ; Title: Einstein and the Kaluza-Klein particle

extra dimensions

Hall,Kolda 4/99;Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Large Extra Dimensions
Dienes,Dudas,Gherghetta 7/98;TeV-scale GUTs
Antoniadis etal 4/98;New Dimensions at a Millimeter to a Fermi and Superstrings at a TeV
Arkani-Hamed,Dimopoulos,Dvali 3/98;The Hierarchy Problem and New Dimensions at a Millimeter
hep-ph/0001166 ; Authors: Schuyler Cullen, Maxim Perelstein and Michael E. Peskin ; Title: TeV Strings and Collider Probes of Large Extra Dimensions Title: Theoretical Summary Lecture for EPS HEP99
hep-ph/0011177 ; Authors: Pran Nath ; Title: Physics From Extra Dimensions
hep-ph/0101282 ; Authors: Hooman Davoudiasl (SLAC) ; Title: Probing the Geometry of the Universe at the NLC
hep-th/0107223 ; Author: E. Kh. Akhmedov ; Title: Dynamical localization of gauge fields on a brane
hep-th/0107004 ; ;
hep-ph/0205280 ; ;

recent developments in string theory (dualities, M theory)

Schwarz 8/99;TASI Lectures on Non-BPS D-Brane Systems (lect)
Seiberg,Witten 8/99;String Theory and Noncommutative Geometry
Marolf 8/99;String/M-branes for Relativists (lect)
Nicolai 6/99;On Hidden Symmetries in d=11 Supergravity and Beyond
Polchinski,Susskind,Toumbas 3/99;Negative Energy, Superluminosity and Holography
de Wit 2/98;Supermembranes and Super Matrix Theory (rev)
de Wit 2/99;Supermembranes and Super Matrix Models (lect)
Polchinski,Susskind 2/99;Puzzles and Paradoxes About Holography
Petersen 2/99;Introduction to the Maldacena Conjecture on AdS/CFT (lect)
Ibanez 1/99;Recent Developments in Physics Far Beyond the Standard Model
Polchinski 12/98;Quantum Gravity at the Planck Length (lect)
Sen 10/98;Developments in Superstring Theory
Schwarz 7/98;Beyond Gauge Theories
Ibanez 4/98;New Perspectives in String Phenomenology from Dualities (rev)
Schwarz,Seiberg 3/98;String Theory, Supersymmetry, Unification, and All That (rev)
Sen 2/98;An Introduction to Non-perturbative String Theory (lect)
Witten 2/98;Anti De Sitter Space And Holography
Muñoz,C. 2/98;String Phenomenology
Taylor 1/98;Lectures on D-branes, Gauge Theory and M(atrices) (lect)
Bigatti,Susskind 12/97;Review of Matrix Theory
Schwarz 11/97;The Status of String Theory X
Maldacena 11/97;The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity
Mukhi 10/97;Recent Developments in String Theory: A Brief Review for Particle Physicists (rev)
Kiritsis 9/97;Introduction to Superstring Theory (lect)
Alvarez-Gaume,Zamora 9/97;Duality in Quantum Field Theory (and String Theory) (lect)
Ferrara 8/97;Duality, Strings and Supergravity: a Status Report
Berkovits 7/97;An Introduction to Superstring Theory and its Duality Symmetries
Polchinski 11/96;TASI Lectures on D-Branes (lect)
Strominger 10/95;Black Hole Condensation and Duality in String Theory
Polchinski 11/94;What is String Theory? (lect)
Seiberg,Witten 8/94;Monopoles, Duality and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in N=2 Supersymmetric QCD
Seiberg,Witten 7/94;Monopole Condensation, And Confinement In $N=2$ Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
hep-ph/9911525 ; Author: E. Kiritsis (University of Crete) ; Title: Supersymmetry and Duality in Field Theory and String Theory
hep-th/9912164 ; Authors: M. J. Duff ; Title: TASI Lectures on Branes, Black Holes and Anti-de Sitter Space
hep-th/0002044 ; Authors: Daniela Bigatti and Leonard Susskind ; Title: TASI lectures on the Holographic Principle
hep-th/0007170 ; Authors: Clifford V. Johnson ; Title: D-Brane Primer

string theory

Alvarez,Meessen 10/98;String Primer (lect)
Polyakov 11/97;String Theory and Quark Confinement
Pasquinucci,Petrini 8/97;On the Compton Scattering in String Theory
hep-ph/0002005 ; Authors: Sunil Mukhi ; Title: Understanding Fields Using Strings: A Review for Particle Physicists
hep-th/0007118 ; Author: John H. Schwarz ; Title: String Theory: The Early Years
hep-ex/0008017 ; Author: John H. Schwarz ; Title: Introduction to Superstring Theory
physics/0102051 ; Authors: Peter Woit (Dept. of Mathematics, Columbia University) ; Title: String Theory: An Evaluation
hep-th/0107094 ; Authors: W. Siegel (C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics) ; Title: Introduction to string field theory
hep-th/0110055 ; Author: Stefan Forste ; Title: Strings, Branes and Extra Dimensions
hep-th/0207142 ; ; Title: BUSSTEPP Lectures on String Theory
hep-th/0207249 ; ; Title: Introduction to String Theory


hep-th/0207245 ; ; Title: Exploring de Sitter Space and Holography

new stuff

hep-ph/0202089 ; Authors: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Andrew G. Cohen, Thomas Gregoire, Jay G. Wacker ; Title: Phenomenology of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from Theory Space

Riotto 4/99;D-branes, String Cosmology and Large Extra Dimensions (x)
hep-th/9912164 ; Authors: M. J. Duff ; Title: TASI Lectures on Branes, Black Holes and Anti-de Sitter Space


Coleman,Glashow 12/98;High-Energy Tests of Lorentz Invariance
Straumann 10/98;Historical and other Remarks on Hidden Symmetries
Peccei 7/98;Discrete and Global Symmetries in Particle Physics
Wilczek 10/97;Some Examples in the Realization of Symmetry
hep-ph/0002225 ; Authors: R. D. Peccei ; Title: Exact and Broken Symmetries in Particle Physics


Zinn-Justin 6/99;Renormalization of gauge theories and master equation X
O'Raifeartaigh 10/98;Early History of Gauge Theories and Kaluza-Klein Theories
Brout,Englert 2/98;Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Gauge Theories: a Historical Survey
Jackiw 9/97;Evolution of (Ward-)Takahashi Relations and How I Used Them X
Kraus 9/97;The Renormalization of the Electroweak Standard Model to All Orders
Kraus,Sibold 3/97;Rigid Invariance in Gauge Theories
Henneaux 12/97;Consistent Interactions Between Gauge Fields: The Cohomological Approach
Becchi 5/97;Introduction to Gauge Theories (lect) X
hep-th/0002245 ; Authors: Glenn Barnich, Friedemann Brandt, Marc Henneaux ; Title: Local BRST cohomology in gauge theories
hep-th/0004200 ; Authors: Frieder Lenz, John W. Negele, Lochlainn O'Raifeartaigh, Michael Thies ; Title: Phases and Residual Gauge Symmetries of Higgs Models
hep-ph/0103222 ; Author: J.L. Chkareuli, C.D. Froggatt and H.B. Nielsen ; Title: Spontaneously Generated Gauge Invariance
hep-ph/0106036 ; Authors: J.L. Chkareuli, C.D. Froggatt and H.B. Nielsen ; Title: Lorentz Invariance and Origin of Symmetries


Hollik,Kraus,Stöckinger 7/99;Renormalization and Symmetry Conditions in Supersymmetric QED
Cahill 7/99;Elements of Supersymmetry (lect)
de Wit,Herger 8/99;Anti-de Sitter Supersymmetry (lect)
Louis,Brunner,Huber 11/98;The Supersymmetric Standard Model (lect)
West 11/98;Supergravity, Brane Dynamics and String Duality (lect)
West 5/98;Introduction to Rigid Supersymmetric Theories (lect)
Poppitz,Trivedi 3/98;Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking (rev)
Poppitz 10/97;Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking - Why and How X
de Wit,Louis 1/98;Supersymmetry and Dualities in various dimensions (lect)
Mohapatra 1/98;Supersymmetric Grand Unification (lect)
Nath 8/97;SUSY/SUGRA/String Phenomenology
Dienes,Kolda 12/97;Twenty Open Questions in Supersymmetric Particle Physics (x)
Avdeev etal 9/97; Renormalizations in Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories
Dragon,Theis 11/97;Gauging the Central Charge
Gunion 4/97;A Simplified Summary of Supersymmetry X
Haber 8/97;The Supersymmetric Top-Ten Lists
Kane 5/97;Tests and Implications of Increasing Evidence for Superpartners
Kane 9/97;Sphenomenology --- An Overview, with a Focus on a Higgsino LSP World, and on Eventual Tests of String Theory X
Kazakov 9/98; Exact Results in Renormalization of Softly Broken SUSY Gauge Theories
Kazakov 9/97;Finiteness of Soft Terms in Finite N=1 SUSY Gauge Theories
Lykken 12/96; Introduction to Supersymmetry
Martin 9/97;A Supersymmetry Primer
Ramond 12/94;Introductory Lectures on Low Energy Supersymmetry
Anderson,Castano 12/94;Naturalness and superpartner masses or when to give up on weak scale supersymmetry
Seiberg 2/98;The Superworld X
Seiberg 9/93;Naturalness Versus Supersymmetric Non-renormalization Theorems X
Tata 6/97;What Is Supersymmetry And How Do We Find It?
Ferrara 5/94;Supergravity and the quest for a unified theory X
hep-ph/9911272 ; Author: R. N. Mohapatra ; Title: Supersymmetric Grandunification: An Update
hep-th/9912271 ; Authors: Eric D'Hoker (UCLA), D. H. Phong (Columbia University) ; Title: Lectures on Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory and Integrable Systems
hep-th/0006010 ; Authors: Edward Witten ; Title: Supersymmetric Index In Four-Dimensional Gauge Theories
hep-th/0007146 ; Authors: T.Banks ; Title: Cosmological Breaking of Supersymmetry?
hep-th/0011042 ; Authors: Sergei V. Ketov ; Title: Why do we need supersymmetry?
hep-th/0101055 ; Author: Adel Bilal ; Title: Introduction to Supersymmetry
hep-ph/0101209 ; Author: Evgeny Likhtman ; Title: Around SuSy 1970
hep-th/0102012 ; Author: Pierre Ramond ; Title: Boson-Fermion Confusion: The String Path To Supersymmetry
hep-ph/0102286 ; Authors: Ali H. Chamseddine, R. Arnowitt and Pran Nath ; Title: Supergravity Unification
hep-ph/0103009 ; Authors: W. Hollik, D. St"ockinger ; Title: Regularization and supersymmetry-restoring counterterms in
hep-ph/0106063 ; Author: Hans Peter Nilles ; Title: Hidden Sector Supergravity Breakdown
hep-ph/0107228 ; Authors: Pierre Fayet ; Title: About the origins of the Supersymmetric Standard Model
hep-th/0108200 ; Authors: S.J. Gates Jr (University of Maryland), M.T. Grisaru (McGill ; Title: Superspace, or One thousand and one lessons in supersymmetry
hep-th/0109172 ; Authors: Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill ; Title: BUSSTEPP Lectures on Supersymmetry
hep-th/0201023 ; Authors: Nicolas Boulanger, Marc Henneaux and Peter van Nieuwenhuizen ; Title: Conformal (super)gravities with several gravitons
hep-ph/0201247 ; Authors: Elisabeth Kraus, Dominik St"ockinger ; Title: Softly broken supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories: Renormalization and
hep-ph/0203114 ; Authors: John Ellis (CERN) ; Title: Supersymmetry for Alp Hikers
hep-ph/0204350 ; ;


Jackiw 11/98;Chern-Simons Violation of Lorentz and PCT Symmetries in Electrodynamics
hep-th/9912169 ; Author: F.R. Klinkhamer ; Title: A CPT Anomaly
hep-th/0006154 ; Authors: F.R. Klinkhamer, J. Nishimura ; Title: CPT anomaly in two-dimensional chiral U(1) gauge theories
gr-qc/0111090 ; Author: F.R. Klinkhamer ; Title: Fundamental time-asymmetry from nontrivial space topology


Jackiw 11/99;What good are quantum field theory infinities? (essay)
Buchholz,Haag 10/99;The Quest for Understanding in Relativistic Quantum Physics
Grassi,Hurth,Steinhauser 7/99;Practical Algebraic Renormalization
Duetsch,Schroer 6/99;Massive Vectormesons and Gauge Theory
Schroer 6/99;Modular Theory and Eyvind Wichmann's Contributions to modern Particle Physics Theory
Deser 5/99;Nonrenormalizability of (Last Hope) D=11 Supergravity, with a Terse Survey of Divergences in Quantum Gravities
Oehme 3/99;Reduction of Coupling Parameters and Duality
Quiros 1/99; Finite temperature field theory and phase transitions (lect)
't Hooft 12/98;The glorious days of physics: Renormalization of Gauge Theories
Buchholz 11/98;Current trends in axiomatic quantum field theory
Schroer 10/98;QFT at the Turn of the Century: old principles with new concepts (an essay on local quantum physics)
Schroer 9/98;The Pivotal Role of Causality in Local Quantum Physics
Flato 9/98;Two disjoint aspects of the deformation programme: quantizing Nambu mechanics; singleton physicse X
Deser 5/98;Chern--Simons Terms as an Example of the Relations Between Mathematics and Physics
Wilczek 3/98;Quantum Field Theory
Seiler,Patrascioiu 9/96;The Problem of Asymptotic Freedom X
Denner etal 9/96;The background-field formulation of the electroweak Standard Model
Consoli,Stevenson 11/97;lambda Phi^4 Theory From a Particle-Gas Viewpoint
Greenberg 7/97;Spin-Statistics, Spin-Locality, and TCP: Three Distinct Theorems
Gross 4/97;The Triumph And Limitations Of Quantum Field Theory X
Jackiw 3/99;When radiative corrections are finite but undetermined
Jackiw 9/97;What is quantum field theory and why have some physicists abandoned it? X
Jackiw 2/96;The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Quantum Field Theory X
Connes,Kreimer 4/99; Lessons from Quantum Field Theory - Hopf Algebras and Spacetime Geometries
Broadhurst, Kreimer 10/98;Renormalization automated by Hopf algebra
Kreimer 7/97;On the Hopf algebra structure of perturbative quantum field theories
Schnitzer 3/97;The Quantum Field Theory of Physics and Mathematics X
Weinberg 2/97;What is Quantum Field Theory, and What Did We Think It Is? X
Connes,Kreimer 9/99;Renormalization in quantum field theory and the Riemann-Hilbert problem
hep-th/9912092 ; Authors: Alain Connes and Dirk Kreimer ; Title: Renormalization in quantum field theory and the Riemann-Hilbert problem
hep-th/9912205 ; Authors: W. Siegel (C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics) ; Title: Fields
hep-th/0002201 ; Authors: O.W. Greenberg ; Title: Study of a Model of Quantum Electrodynamics
hep-ph/0005272 ; Authors: J. Zinn-Justin ; Title: Quantum Field Theory at Finite Temperature: An Introduction
hep-ph/0010035 ; Author: Michael Dine ; Title: The Utility of Quantum Field Theory
hep-th/0201124 ; Authors: J.W. van Holten ; Title: Aspects of BRST Quantization
hep-th/0207120 ; ; Title: Calculating Vacuum Energies in Renormalizable Quantum Field Theories: A

lectures (various topics)

Wess 10/99;q-Deformed Heisenberg Algebras (lect)
Milton 1/99;The Casimir Effect: Physical Manifestations of Zero Point Energy (lect)
Novikov 12/98;Field Theory and the Standard Model (lect)
Drell, P. 1/97;Experimental Aspects of the Standard Model: A Short Course for Theorists (lect) X
Pich 6/98;Effective Field Theory (lect)
Levin 10/97;Everything about Reggeons. Part I: Reggeons in soft interaction


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